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Back in the training facility, Konforma led me to the lockers. I recognized some kind of machine pistol, the Dust Viper 15mm from last time, a few mags and something reminiscent of a grenade. Nothing to win a war, but more impressive than a single pistol. With every new session, the arms load-out got a tad more impressive. I wondered what waited for me once I cracked the high score. Konforma watched me assembling my gear.

"You're a decent shooter, but decency is only the price of admission. To survive in the Lost Lands, you have to be vigilant. Danger lurks around every concrete corner."

She was finally spilling some information.

"Who are my enemies? This world looks forsaken."

"That's an illusion. While life inside our glorious cluster is safe, the surrounding world is infested with enemies. Cruel renegades with no morals but maximum firepower."

Crueler than the folks inside the Bulwark?

Hard to imagine.

"Do these enemies have a name?"

"They do, but that's not on today's menu."

Looked like I already hit the off-topic zone. It wasn't really big.

"So what is on today's menu?"

"Training with the standard-issued weapon of the Bulwark forces. The legendary AK-BL8."

"Say what?"

Konforma showed it to me instead. A closed locker with fortified armor opened up and showed me the insides. A robust assault rifle with a blade attached under the barrel. No, it wasn't just attached, it seemed to be embedded into the firearm. And it wasn't your standard blade either—the surface looked crystalline.

Made out of diamonds?

Konforma's eyes sparkled, but maybe it was her resolution.

"This is the modular AK-BL8, the Bulwark soldier's primary weapon. You may take it from the locker."

My hands grabbed the firearm from the clamps. The weight felt just right.

"It is a remarkable rifle. You will realize that soon."

Konforma opened the gate to the training center. It was the same from last time, except this version was drowned in sand.

"What in the world?"

"We've replicated the conditions from the Lost Lands. The area is populated with training dummies that are out to get you. The goal is to eliminate all hostiles."

One test puppet on a roof caught my sight and unleashed a volley of bullets. They shredded the sand around me and whirled it up. My body jerked away, I hunkered down next to a concrete pillar. Another shooter on an adjacent roof opened fire. The projectiles ate away my concrete cover.

"Where's my mag?"

Konforma projected herself next to me.

"It's attached to your rifle."

"But it's empty. There's not a single round inside."

"Looks like you're going to prematurely die."

She was kidding, except her lips didn't move. More bullets flashed around me. Pieces of concrete blew apart.

Those suckers really used live ammo.

"Stop messing with me, I'm under heavy fire."

"Do you want to know a little trick?"

Machine God: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller (Final Draft)Where stories live. Discover now