Bipolar disorder

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Bipolar disorder is not very well known. On Media and websites, it's portrayed as a pretty terrifying condition. In reality, it's mostly like depression, except you sometimes feel extra-happy-over-the-moon 'highs'. That is horrible because people see you as 'fine'.

Imagine this:

Your teacher says you are the top in class. The class cheers and you feel proud and happy. Then, she says "oops, sorry," and the top-in-class is another girl and you actually failed your exam.

That's what it feels like. Happy then sad.

Some people ask me:

So who is most likely to be affected?

Well, the answer is:


Any age.

Any race.

Also known as maniac depression, it is a mental disorder characterized by periods of elevated mood and depression.

During the 'high' mood people with this disorder will feel happy, full of energy and quite irritable. Their need for sleep is also usually reduced. During periods of depression, there might be lots of crying, negative thoughts and poor eye contact with people. You may also feel both of them at the same time.

Some health issues such as anxiety are usually associated. It can lead to poor school and job performance and even suicide. They may also not be able to complete day-to-day tasks. This disorder may, however be treated.

Bipolar disorder affects me. People sometimes think I'm 'weird'. When I'm in my 'high mood' people see me as 'normal' so when I'm sad, they think I'm fake.

I hope everyone can learn more about this disorder and give support to people with it.

By kawaii_k_books

Do you have a condition that you wish more people knew about? Feel free to write something and send it to me to be featured in this campaign book!

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