(4) Behind Enemy Lines but Among Allies

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A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort – Herm Albright

The thing about walking into a potential ambush is acting casual. I figured if my gut was telling me that bad juju was about to down, I would be smart to listen to it. And although my past actions might indicate that I have troubles being in the same sentence as the words smart, cautious and prepared, I can actually act in a self surviving way. Wanda didn’t tell me what she meant by the whole I can help them vibe-thing; instead she dithered and then started to walk as if I wouldn’t have the instinct to realize that things were not copacetic. Still, I came to this rock with a specific purpose and sadly enough, the likelihood of my day about to go south was already anticipated. So I walked behind Wanda and just got ready to run like hell when the need arose.

Rorick was almost on my feet, he was so close behind me. I could feel the tension running through him like he’d been stabbed with a live wire, and it only intensified my own feeling of bolt-readiness. There was the ghost weight of his fingers against my back, a slight tug and I realized the jackass had taken the dirk out of my hair. That was my weapon dammit, not his. I sent a gentle elbow into his gut to remind him to play fair, he had his own weapons in the form of those damn sausage hands of his. Yeah, elbowing that man in the gut is kind of like slamming my arm into a brick wall. It even made my fingers tingle and not in the fun way.

“So tell me Wanda, what exactly DID Dandy’s little Revolution change?” I nearly skipped at Wanda’s side, irritated at trailing along like a flunky.

Wanda gave me a smile and tried not to obviously step quickly, attempting to regain her clear lead. “Well, for one thing, we no long have the Sisters controlling the commerce and culture. This means that for once there is more money flowing into the lower classes than out of it. Also, several Families are petitioning to have their legal cases reopened and ‘fairly’ tried in the new legal system.”

I rolled my eyes, recognizing the PR hokum she was trying to feed me. “Blah blah blah.” I spat and gave her a flat look. “Really Woman, you need to work on your schmoozing technique. I’m Captain Felix Katt, so don’t give me the party line. Use plain words, preferably under three syllables so I can understand it, savvy?”

I heard the faint snort of air from Rorick who was still behind me like a muscular storm cloud. I could assume that the was laughing at me, or I could believe that he was amused at me underplaying my vast and astonishing intelligence. Guess which one I actually believe? Yah, he was laughing at me.

“It’s the truth.” Wanda sounded offended by me calling her out. “The middle and lower classes are starting to get a better standard of living. And not just the Females either, even our male folk are getting the benefits of being Sisterhood free.”

Again my brain sent up a red flag of something not right here-ness, but I hadn’t yet put my finger on what it was that was making me go ‘hmmmm balderdash’. “Fine, fine; yay for the poor being less poor. It’s all very Robin Hood toppling Nottingham’s sheriff. But that doesn’t exactly tell me anything of use here sweetheart. From what my little eyes can spy, things here haven’t changed much. Still patrols running around making sure everyone toes the line. How many lives were lost for this? How many people were killed because someone wanted their stuff?”

Wanda gave me a look as if she were stung by my words. Oh lookie, I found a sore spot. Oh goody! Behind me Rorick loomed as if he too sensed the sudden increase of tension in our guide. She didn’t even reply either. Probably because we all knew that there was sweet dick all she could say to refute my words. Yes, one upping her like that did add a little spring to my step. And no, at no point in time during this little exchange did I ever forget that I was gleefully marching towards my own potential doom. Ambushes only work if you get a drop on the other person. Since I already figured out that there was one coming, I could pretty much anticipate when it would spring and deal with it accordingly. And by accordingly I mean with much bloodshed and swagger.

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