Welcome to hell

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Chapter 1
Newt's pov
"Please don't make me mom, please don't make me leave my friends, my school, my life."

"I'm sorry Newton, you will make new friends, we can finally leave this town with all these horrible memories, we can have a family again, you will have a brother"

"I don't want new siblings." I try to hold back my tears.

"I know it's hard, but it's a fresh start" she try's to make it sound any better.

It will never be better. It will never be okay. This is another everyday story of how a mother has a boyfriend and makes her children- err child- move away from there old life into a new house with a new jerk dad, although he will never be my dad, and snobby siblings. I always thought it would be just that though, a story, I never thought it would be my life.

"We have to go Newton, we will miss our flight." My moms says rushing out the door.

I pick up my bags and walk to the door, I glance back at my house, my old house now I guess, "goodbye London"

____time skip____
"This is our new home." My mom smiles pointing at this house in front of us.

"Our new house, our home is in London." I say causing my mom to sigh.

The house wasn't overly big or small, a good size with a decent front yard and from what I can see a pool in the back yard. It's not in the city or the country, it's on like a subdivision type thing, where there's lost of houses, I saw a couple parks, and it's the type of street where you can go out and draw with chalk on the road but every once in awhile a car will come and you'll have to get off. (A/N idk if that made since, that's how I imagine it though. Very tumblr I guess)


"Scott!" My mom yells running to her boyfriend and hugging him. I just stand there wanting to chop his head off with his stupid American accent. When he finally stops looking at my mother, he looks up and sees me, "Newton!" He says coming to hug me.

"Newt." I say putting my hand out to stop his hug so he just ends up shaking my hand instead.

"Right newt, why don't you guys come inside and you can meet Thomas and Malia" he says grabbing my moms hand and leading us inside. When we get there a little girl that looks around the age of 5 with the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen and long brown hair comes running to my mom.

"Allison!" The little girls screams latching unto my mom, "Malia!" She says hugging her like she's her own daughter. 

"There is someone I want you to meet Malia, this is my son Newt." She says turning around to me.

"Hi Not!" Malia cheeses.

"Not not Malia, newt" my mom says again.

"Newt." The little girl repeats.

"Hi." I say rolling my eyes at the little girl who I can already tell is gonna be really annoying.

My mom glares at me but I just roll my eyes at her too, she can't just expect me to treat these people like family, they are not my family, never will be.

"And this is Thomas," Scott says pointing to a boy walking down the stairs. He has big brown eyes and brown hair that was messy, probably cause it's a weekend and he didn't bother to do it. He was the most attractive boy I've ever met, but I like girls.

"We only have 2 bed rooms since obviously it was just Malia and Thomas so Newt you will be sharing a room with Thomas until we can figure something better out." Scott says.


"Newton you better get rid of this attitude right now, Thomas was nice enough to let you stay in his room, this is our family now whether you like it or not."

"Thomas give Newt a tour of the house while me and Allison go and put her stuff in our room." Scotts orders.

Thomas nods and walks somewhere so I follow him since I really had no choice.

"This is the kitch-" Thomas starts but I interrupt him.

"Where's my room."

"OUR room, and it's upstairs, wh-" I interrupt him again.

"I just want to go to my room."

"OURS and okay." He rolls his eyes leading me to a staircase and going up them.

He opens a door into a pretty big room. It has a walk in closet, a bathroom, a tv with a X-box and games under it, a couch in front of the TV and only one bed.

"Where's my bed?" I ask.

"You know you are not very friendly you haven't even said hel-"

"Where is my bed?" I interrupt him again not really caring what he has to say.

"We ordered it a while ago, it should be here in about a week, for the time being we have to share."

I groan in frustration, this was already bloody hell.

A/N it gets better don't worry. Remember to leave your ideas and opinions and I will make sure to take those into consideration.

If you are going through hell, keep going~ Shaelynn

Illegal Love~ NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now