Chapter 1

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Gerard's pov

I slowly bit the edge of my paper cup filled with, now not so hot, coffee. I glanced about the airport looking for some form of entertainment while I waited for my flight.

I always get flight anxiety before going on a plane. It's not so much the hight  that bothers me, but more the fact that you're sitting in a cramped space full of people, ew. Also let's not forget to mention the fact that you are forced to sit next to some random person.
Too much people and human interaction can really bother me.

I stopped chewing on the edge of the paper cup after I noticed the disgusting strong paper taste I now had in my mouth. Plugh. I spat a little and ran my tongue across my top teeth in an attempt to get rid of the foul taste.
As I was doing so my eyes laded on a boy who looked maybe a few years younger than me.
He was curled up on a chair asleep with his head resting on the arm rest; his knees were squished up to his chest as he cramped his small body awkwardly on the chair. His black curls were falling partly over his eyes, and from what I could see there was a little bit of drool coming from the corner of his mouth.

Content with my new found amusement, I took a sip of my coffee as I continued to casually watch him.

What would he be..16-17 years old maybe...he's surely only be about 2-3 years younger than me...

I took another sip of my coffee as I thought.
My thoughts stopped when I saw a pained expression creep it's way onto his face as he slept. His eyes were now being tightly shut as his hands scratched at his knees, scraping his jeans.

He must be having a nightmare...

I shuffled uncomfortable as I felt myself getting a little bit panicked as I watched him, he looked in pain as he stirred slightly in his sleep. I had this little urge to go and comfort him, but obviously I refrained. So I just stood there clutching at my flimsy paper cup, watching him from across the room.

He moved slightly and I saw his eyes flutter open. His eyes were a little wide as he glanced about the room quickly, getting a scan of his surroundings. He seemed to relax when he must've realised where he was. He then shifted himself up so he was sitting in the chair. He wiped his drool covered cheek then comfortable hugged himself as he slowly took a better look around him.

I turned away slightly so I didn't look like some creep who had been watching him while he slept...but i still kept an eye on him.

Where were his parents? Is no one gonna see if he is alright? He shouldn't be all by himself.

Then I saw a lady walk over to him and sit down next to him. They appeared to be chatting, I saw the boy nod a little drowsily, Probably still a little sleepy, then him and the woman both stood up and started grabbing their belongings. I checked my watch, almost time to board the plane.

I looked up to see the guy and, who I'm guessing is his mum, walking in my directing. I shuffled back and looked down into my now empty cup of coffee. When I felt them pass me I looked up at the boy and watched him walk away.

I then heard the announcement that my flight was ready to be boarded. So I picked up my satchel and walked off.

Franks pov

I awoke from my nightmare.

God I hate dreams like that! When you have a dream that you're being murdered but you feel as if you are actually experiencing the pain of being stabbed or shot.

I cringed and shook the thought away as I glanced about the room. I was still at the airport. I've been waiting for hours for my flight after it got delayed due to bad weather of something.

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