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Doojoon was wondering at the dark, he doesn't know where he is. Then he saw a light approaching him, he tried to get near of it but someone stopped him.

ANGEL: "where are you going young man?"

DJ: "To that light, it seems comfortable in their."

ANGEL: " are you sure you want to enter that place?"

DJ: "I don't know, I'm feeling that their is something that I must do."

ANGEL : "yoon doojoon, you can't go into that place.."

DJ: "WHY?"

ANGEL: "because your punishment is not yet done, but god saw how noble the thing that you did on earth. That's why he is giving you another chance."

DJ: "w-wait! What do you mean?"

ANGEL : "you'll know when you get there.."

Then doojoon's soul fall down the earth.


5 years has passed ever since the incident. There are also many changes happened in them.

Son Dongwoon, now a well known theater actor in the korea. He also joined his parents team in going around the world to perform. Dongwoon was also became interested with the story of princess hana and soldier yoon sook. So he decided to make a script about it and perform it on theater, unexpectedly it was now a well known theater show. It was also being made into movie because of its success.

Lee Gikwang, he came back to showbiz world and become a really popular idol, released many songs and albums. He also been cast in many dramas and movies then won many awards. He decided to take the audition as the lead character in the movie sins reincarnation and he successfully takes the role.

Jang Hyunseung, he is now a well known dancer in America, he performed with other popular dancer in the world. He builds a dancing school for student who wants to learn dancing and be trained. Time to time he will teach the student and whenever he has time he will also teach the students of cube arts school. He also choreographed some of the idols music video and was known to be high demand choreographer.

Yong Junhyung, a well known composer and have composed many songs. A well respected in the field of music industry that the companies are dying to have him. but he doesn't want to be committed in one company, he wants to explore and compose more songs that the people will enjoy. From time to time he will also visit the cube arts school to teach music. But eversince he was married and have one daughter, he decided to lie low for awhile and focus on his family and continue to compose more songs.

Kim hyuna, like hyunseung she is a well known dancer in korea, she was helping hyunseung to teach students in his dancing school. And also time to time, she will go and teach the students of cube arts school. She is well known as female sexy dancer in korea. But even though she is married and with one daughter, she maintained her body and still continue to teach. She also focused on her family.

That's right junhyung and hyuna married each other three years ago and their daughter is 2 years old and they named her Hana. They like that name so much and they remembered their past life, so as remembrance they named her hana.

Hyunseung and hyuna was at cube arts school teaching the students when junhyung arrived carrying their daughter hana.

HA: "ok class, me and hyunseung sangsaengnim will be teaching you a new steps, but this dance is with a partner and called salsa. It's a sexy dance that you will communicate to you partner using your body. So first we will demonstrate first."

Hyunseung turned on the music and started to dance slowly while approaching hyuna, while hyuna with her toe pointed started to sway her hips. Hyunseung holds hyuna's hands then pull her to the waist making their body close. They started to take a steps and swaying, hyuna hop and hyunseung lift her, she then cross her legs around hyunseung, the bend backward and face hyunseung. Their face are too close and they are both staring at each other.

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