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Gayoon and hyuna unconsciously fell asleep in the infirmary. They we're both tired in running. Gayoon was dreaming again

SOLDIER: "we met again!"

PRINCESS: "you startled me! Meanie!"

SOLDIER: "haha Joesonghamnida princess, I just like to see your annoyed face!"

PRINCESS: "bully! *pout*"

SOLDIER: "aigoo, you don't like a princess at all, close your eyes!"

PRINCESS: "waeyo??"

SOLDIER: "just close your eyes.."

PRINCESS: "you won't do something weird to me?"

SOLDIER: "animnida, come one just close your eyes and no peeking"

PRINCESS: "arasseo!"

The princess closed her eyes. The soldier put out something and put it in her head

SOLDIER: "aigoo so beautiful, you do look like a princess now"

the princess was surprise and touched her head. It was a forget me not flower that is made into a crown. The princess turned away because she was blushing.

SOLDIER: "ehh what is this you're blushing?"


SOLDIER: "admit it you're blushing.. haha!


Gayoon and hyuna don't know that the 6 elite boys are outside the infirmary discussing.

JH: "what's the meaning of this?"

DJ: "this competition is not about who wins or lost, in the end she will be a part of the elites."

DW: "hyung! Why didn't you tell us this?"

DJ: " because if I do, you wouldn't take this competition seriously, and the student body won't accept her. This is to prove her capabilities that she is in par with us."

YS: "good job doojoon, I knew your decision will be like this."

DJ: "you really are my bestfriend, you know me so well, and I know you lost on purpose didn't you?"

But yoseob just smiled and enter the infirmary quietly to check on gayoon. But the other stayed outside.

HS: "president, do we really have to accept her? You know that I'm not good with girls"

DJ: "my decision is final, you all should treat her well or else you'll get punishment"

The other boys have no choice but to accept it. So they all went inside to welcome gayoon as the new elite student. Hyuna was sound asleep but gayoon was groaning and sweating a lot. Yoseob who first enter tried to wake her up.

YS: "gayoon-sshi! wake up! Gayoon-sshi! you're having a nightmare! Gayoon-sshi!"

GY: "I said I'm not!"

Gayoon instantly sit up and cause for yoseob and her bump their forehead

YS: "arrgh!"

GY: "OUCH!! My forehead!"

HA: "waaah! What happened?!"

GK: " you're highness are you fine?"

YS: "n-ne.."

HA: "gayoon are you alright! What are you all doing here are you here to bully gayoon! I won't allow you!"

JH: "you're so noisy, just keep quiet"

Hyuna was scared by junhyung stare and remain silent. Yoseob who fall on the floor stand up and approached gayoon

YS: "gwaenchanayo? You're having a nightmare so I tried to wake you up, mianhe, did I scared you?"

GY: "I'm alright, just having a weird dream, sorry for bumping into your head"

YS: "it's okay, it's an accident"

GY: " ehh look at your forehead, it become red you should put an ice on it"

YS: "aigoo, you should worry about yourself"

DJ: " AHEM.."

GY: " oww what all you all doing in here?"

DJ: "we're here to announce that you're a part of the elite students now."

GY & HA: "eeeeehhhh??!!!"

YS: "the competition is just a test, it's not real, and it is also a way for the student body to accept you"

GY: "but I lost, do you think they will accept that"

DJ: " the students too saw your capabilities and they know you deserve to be one of us"

HA: "kyaaaa!!! Isn't it great gayoon!!! You're an elite now!! Yey!"

GY: "y-yeah, kamsahamnida president."

DJ: "class starts tomorrow, our classroom are on the top floor, it's the only door you can see in there so you won't get lost. See you"

And the 6 of them went out of the infirmary

HA: "waaaa!! Congratulations gayoon!! I'm so happy for you!!"

GY: "gomawo hyuna, but that means I won't be with you anymore since we have different classess"

HA: "aigoo! Don't worry! We can meet during lunch time right! And I'll visit you too!"

GY: "jinja?? Waah gomawo hyuna! You really helped me a lot"

HA: "it's nothing, by the way gwaenchanha? You're having a nightmare?"

GY: "not really, just a weird dream"

HA: "you look bothered, what is it? Tell me, maybe I can help"

GY: "you see eversince I enrolled here in cube arts school, I'm having a weird dream, about a princess and soldier. At first it was always the same, the princess and the soldier commit suicide, it was horrible, I repetitively can hear their scream, then now it change, they are still the same person but different scenario as if it's telling me a story"

HA: "can you remember their faces?"

GY: "no, but it feels like it was decades ago, like I'm seeing a past, but I don't know whose past it is"

HA: "don't you think, you're being hunted by a ghost, and she wanted you to do something?"

GY: "do something on what? And do they even exist?"

HA: "gayoon there are things that can't explain by science, I'll investigate about this, I like mysteries like this"

GY: "heh! Private agent kim hyuna!"

HA: "hahaha geez! I like that! Hahaha, by the way if you have a dream again just tell me what happen okay"

GY: "y-ye."

The two of them decided to go home, they went out of the infirmary and arrange their things. When they went out of the front gate they saw everyone gathered and clapped their hands.

E: "congratulations Heo gayoon!!"

Gayoon was surprised and happy how warmly the student accepts her. She can't explain how happy she was. She bow her head and scream

GY: "kansamndida!!!"

Everyone clapped their hands and cheer for her.  

to be continued.

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