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Doojoon woke up while holding his neck. When he looks around it is already evening and gayoon was gone. He instantly called his guards and police to find her. after doing that he also called yoseob.

DJ: "yoseob! Gayoon was kindnapped!!"

YS: "what?! Tell me details.."

DJ: "we are at the hill of forever, but when we are about to return someone knocks me out from the behind.."

YS: "didn't you bring any guards with you?"

DJ: "I didn't because we want privacy."

YS: "arrgh!you know that she is the princess right?!!"

DJ: "don't blame ! no one knows that she is the princess except us!"

Then yoseob was flustered and he remember what his father said.

YS: "sh**! I think I know who did this.."

DJ: "wait! What do you mean?"

YS: "I'll explain later, I'll look for her."

DJ: "don't act too hastly, call me when you know where she is.."

YS: "okay."

They ended the call and ysoeob run to the room of his father but he is not there. He tried to find around the palace but he can't find him anywhere. He tried to call the officials and ask where is his father but no one knows. Then he tried asking the palace maids.

O: " I heard the emperor talking to someone"

YS: " what do you heard?"

O: " I just heard "pier""

Yoseob tried to think the possible pier that his father will go, then he remember the abandoned factory that his father planned to renovate that is near the pier. He instantly called doojoon and told him the place.

Yoseob gets his car and hurriedly go there. When he arrives doojoon is already there.

DJ: "you're slow!"

YS: "did you call the police?"

DJ: "yes but are you sure that your father is doing these?"

YS: "no doubt about it!"

DJ: "but are you sure you're going to tell this to the police?"

YS: " I have no choice."

DJ: "sigh.. why is it the police are slow too! Tch! I can't take it anymore! I'm going in!"

YS: "wait! It might be dangerous!"

DJ: "I don't care what if gayoon's life is on danger?!"

Doojoon slowly went inside the factory and yoseob has no choice but to follow him.

DJ: "let's split, you go to the right side, I'm going to the left."

YS: "okay!"

They both split up to find gayoon. yoseob saw some guards wondering around the factory. One by one he tried to knock them out. He went in every part of the factory but he can't find her. he tried to look outside but he saw nothing.

YS: "gayoon where are you? Please be safe."

On the other side doojoon saw some guards and he also tried to knock them out one by one. As he walk, he suddenly saw the emperor coming out of the room. Behind him is the guards holding gayoon who is tied and mouth sealed.

Dooojoon followed them as they go out. He tried to be quiet so they won't find out that he is there. They remove the handkerchief that is sealing her mouth. Gayoon was crying as she glared at the emperor.

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