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Upset is an understatement. The guys aren't telling Raq nor I, what is going on, and Juan is taking us back to Ace and I's hotel room. The night was going well then something happened that had Ace, and the rest of the boys on edge. I had suspected that their business was crossing over into the club, and that's what really made me upset. I didn't want all of my hard work to come crumbling down because they couldn't keep shit separate.

"This night cannot get any worse." Raqui breathed out. "Tell me about it. I wasn't really feeling today to begin with. Then with Dominique and her mouth, I'm not here for it." I rolled my eyes thinking about dinner earlier. "Girl, you threw that glass at her! I'm surprised you didn't jump across the table on her ass." Raq stated laughing lightly. "I almost did. Her mouth is going to write a check her ass can't cash, and I'm going to be all over her. She keeps trying me." "I know. I wish she would come for Chris the way she's been coming onto Ace. That glass would have been the least of her worries." I nodded. Dominique has been this close to catching a fade.

For the past month Ace and I have been spending a lot more time in NY to finish off the club, and whenever she comes around she's trying to say something to him, or telling me she can basically steal my nigga. Of course she only does it when Amir isn't really around, however she will say little slick shit when he is. I checked her ass a few times, but she doesn't get it. I'm afraid she won't get it until I wear her ass the fuck out. I'm not even down for fighting over a nigga, but it's the principle. I can't let her openly disrespect me. I can't deal with shit like that; it bothers me to no end.

We soon pulled up to the hotel, and we got out, and made our way to the suite. Once inside we both stripped from our dresses, and took a shower. I threw on a t-shirt, panties, and some high socks, and gave Raqui a tee shirt, and some shorts to put on. After finishing our nightly routine, we went into the second bedroom in the suite, where Raq would be staying if Chris didn't come back tonight.

"So besides today how is everything going with you? I saw you talking to Mir earlier in the club. He was giving you the googly eyes all night!" She said lying back on the bed. I laid next to her, "girl please. Amir and I are better. I'm not going to say we are 100% because I don't want to give him that much leeway and he mess my relationship up with Ace." I explained to her. "True, if you give that nigga an inch, he'll take a mile. Ace is the bro now though! I can see that he really loves you, and he wouldn't do anything to mess what you and he has up."  "Ace and I, are on a whole 'nother page. It seems like we're more connected than ever since we came back from Colombia. I really love him, and I feel like we are going to be together for a really long time." I admitted to her.

"I know that's why Amir is so salty, he knows it's over now. Everybody says how different you are with Ace, in a good way of course." I shrugged. "I don't care if he's salty or not. As long as Ace is good, I'm good. I'm not focused on anything besides us." I stated truthfully. "Good. Now all you guys have to do now is make me a god mommy, and everything will be complete." She said cheesing over at me. "Well...Imightbepregnantnow." I rushed out, biting my lip. "What?" Raq asked confused furrowing her eyebrows. "I said, I might be pregnant now."

Raqui instantly sat up, and pulled my shirt up over my stomach? "I thought you were gaining weight, but I didn't want to say
anything." She said running her hand over my belly. It used to be flat, now there was some weight around my middle. "I'm like two months late, and earlier today we checked for my IUD, but we couldn't find it." I told her running my hands through my hair. "Oh goodness two months, when did you realize you were late?" "Honestly, I haven't even been paying attention to the dates. I didn't even realize I was until earlier this week. I started throwing up, and my boobs just became extra sensitive." I told her, in which she nodded. "Have you told Ace?" "Yeah, he is supportive of course. I'm just struggling with it a little." Raising her eyebrow at me again, "Struggling like how? You don't want it?"

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