Holy Helicarrier In The Backyard! (Part 1 Avengers crossover)

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*****Author's Note: The S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier has engine trouble and lands in the school's backyard, Stevie's wants to help with repairs, but Stark refuses because, afterall, he's WAY smarter than some stupid little kid! Right? Upset, Stevie swears revenge on Stark, wanting to prove he's the one who is smarter. So, of course, cue the usual lunacy. I never did these chapter mainly because they would have been realllllly long and I just couldn't see a way to make them fit into the storyline I had going. Once again, I must thank AvengersGirl410 for the loan of her character, Leslie Stark, Tony's much smarter and totally awesome younger sister!*****

Angela came running into Storm’s office, eyes wide. “Storm, Storm! There’s a helicarrier in the backyard!”

Storm put a hand to her forehead. “Angela if this is another of your jokes, I’m not in the mood.”

“It isn’t! I swear! There really is a helicarrier in the backyard! IT CRASHED! AND I’m pretty sure it’s the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier! OMG, what if the Avengers are on board! AHHHHH I need my Avengers tutu!” She went running from the room.

Melissa darted into the room. “Storm did you know there’s a giant thing in the backyard?”

Storm looked slightly distract. “Yes, yes Melissa. I think it’s the S.H.I.E.L.D.  Helicarrier. Oh dear, what if Director Fury is on board? Does my hair look all right? Should I change?” She patted at her hair distractedly and she made her way toward the door. “We should go greet them! How rude of us to leave them out there!”

Melissa scrunched up her nose. “What is wrong with Storm?” She bounced off to go get Ziva, Skylar, and everyone else.

Ziva looked out one of the windows in the upstairs hallway. “What is that monstrosity in the backyard?”

“IT’S THE S.H.I.E.L.D. HELICARRIER! Dur!” Angela screamed as she ran down the hall and down the stairs.

Ziva shot the others a glance. “Do I want to know?”

Stevie darted away down the hallway toward the stairs. “Wow, I wonder if the Avengers are on board the Helicarrier?”

A’Cadia frowned and followed after Stevie. “I thought they were some imaginary super heroes that Angela worshipped?”

Craig shrugged. “Never asked her.”

The group made their way through the building and out onto the back lawn to where the giant helicarrier was taking up an inordinate amount of space on the back lawn.

“Can’t hide that thing, can you?” Craig said in awe.

“Nope.” Ziva wondered if the government was going to pay them a visit to investigate the thing.

They watched as a group of people disembarked from the thing and made their way over to where they stood just behind Storm—who was nervously fussing with her hair and clothes—and Logan.

“Hello, sorry for the intrusion but we seem to be having some computer issues that are interfering with our engines. I’m Director Fury.”

“Director Fury, you are quite welcome to stay as long as it takes you to repair your computers. I’m Storm, Headmistress of the school.”

Fury nodded. “Yes, we were aware that you had taken over the school. We at S.H.I.E.L.D. were very saddened over the Professor’s death.”

Storm gave a tiny nod. “Thank you, he is still missed.”

Stevie pushed his way to the front of the group. “Hey, you need any help with the computers?”

A snort sounded from somewhere in the group of people. “Seriously kid?”

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