Get Along Little Doggies

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*****Author's Note - okay so Melissa stole the guard dogs from the White House, right? Well, originally I wasn't going to have the fight at the cornonation be the final battle, so Melissa was going to have the dogs a lot longer. And of course everyone would have to deal with them being at the school, so the following is a chapter where they have to give the dogs bathes and brush their teeth*****

“Melissa what is that stench?” Ziva plugged her nose as she entered the room.

Melissa glanced around and then leaned closer to Nixon and sniffed. “I think it’s the dogs. They need a bath. Oh and probably need their teeth brushed too.”

“Ew gross.” She stepped back as she got closer to the dogs. “What have they been doing?”

Melissa shrugged. “I don’ know. Running around the school grounds. Playing in the mud. Chasing squirrels. Maybe eating a few of them. Especially Nixon, he likes squirrels.”

A’Cadia made a face as she entered the room and caught the last part of what Melissa had said. “Oh gross. That’s just really sick.”

“Don’t judge now. Hey you eat steak don’t you!” Melissa protested.

“Yeah but come on I don’t chase it down and eat it raw,” A’Cadia said.

Melissa sighed. “Whatever. Can you guys help me give them bathes and brush their teeth? Pleeeease!”

Ziva groaned. “Do we have to?”

Melissa batted her eyelashes. “I can’t do it allll by myself. There’s twenty five dogs!”

“You wanted them,” A’Cadia grumbled.

Melissa’s lower lip trembled slightly. “Yeah ’cause they were being mistreated at the White House. No one ever played wif dem or loved them. Did you want me to leave them there where they weren’t being loved?”

“Oh for the love of God!” Ziva threw her hands in the air. “Fine we’ll help. A’Cadia go and get everyone else so we can get this over with as quickly as possible!”

A’Cadia left to go and find everyone else and so they could meet them out in the garage. 

“All right Melissa; let’s get the dogs out into the garage so we can wash them.”

“Yippee! Come on doggies it’s bath time!” She jumped up and led the dogs out to the garage.

The dogs really didn’t look as happy about the upcoming bathes as Melissa did, but they followed her anyway. Especially after she promised them treats for cooperating.

“Okay we should do Nixon first.”

Ziva eyed Nixon. He was by far the most insane of the group. Having a tendency toward lunacy and wild behavior. “You sure he’s not going to try and eat me?”

Melissa waved a hand at her. “He’s fine! You know as long as no squirrels wander by.”

“Sure. Right. Of course.” A’Cadia happened out with the others at that moment stalling any further conversation. Ziva sighed and doled out jobs to everyone. “Okay, Craig and I will wash the dogs. A’Cadia you and Stone dry them. Skylar you and Death brush them out and put their collars back on and then hustle them back into the house. Everyone got it?”

There were nods all around. Melissa raised her hand.

“What is it Melissa?”

“When are we gonna brush their teeth?”

“Oh, right. I forgot about that. Damn.” Ziva eyed the dogs warily.

“They need their teeth brushed after the squirrel buffet!” Melissa whined.

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