Chapter 16: Another Anime

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~Laura POV~

-Big time skip-

When Ciel came back, Ciel turn me into a demon so we could be with each other forever. Then we decided to get married when we turn 16. I'm 15 right now and Sebastian ate Tyannas soul, we tried to stop her but we couldn't. Right now I'm skipping in the hall way.

"YOOO Sophia where are you?" I then skip into the the kitchen and saw her eating "There you are!" She looks up "Well yeah its lunch time. You may not have to eat but I do" I rolled my eyes. "Want to watch some Anime?" She then put on her thinking face "I only watch attack on titan or Ouran high school host club" I rise my fist in the air "attack on titan it is!" I grab her arm and drag her to mine and ciels room.

We found my laptop so we're going watch some anime on that. Once we got in the room we sat in the bed and brought the laptop on it. Then Ciel came walking in. I taught everything about my world to him and I made him watch a few episodes of AOT with me so he know that Anime "What you guys doing?" He asked. I smiled at him."were just going to watch some attack on titan that's all!"

I then click episode 14 and the screen went white "Ugh not this again! Work!" Then Sophia and me started to get suck into the computer and the last thing I heard was Ciel calling my name.

~ Ciels POV ~

I just watch Laura and Sophia get suck into her laptop "No,no,NO!" I slap my fist on the wall. Sebastian came walking in "Is everything all right my young lord?" I turn around and look at him "NO. Laura just disappear into her laptop thing!"

I then looks at the laptop that was on the bed. "I order you to find out how to get Laura back!!!!!" I yelled at him as I rip of my eye patch to show him my contract. He then bows "Yes master"

(In the AOT world)
~Eren Jager POV ~

"Ugh what a long day!" I said as I enter the mess hall "Don't worry Eren, tonight where going to hang out with our friends" Mikasa said. I nodded as I sat down next to Armin. I look around me and saw Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Bert, Reiner, Jean, kyra,ymir and Christa, White(sophia M),Levi, and Hanji.

We all were hanging out tonight. The only reason Levi and hanji was here was because Levi had to keep a eye on me and Hanji wanted to watch me. "LETS START HAVING FUN!!! Sasha screams. "Don't yell brat!" Levi snap. Then all of a sudden a bright white light appear in the middle of the room and two figures appear.

We all close our eyes then when the bright light went away I open my eyes and I saw two girls. One had a odd color skin and was wearing purple T-shirt and pants. The other one had black hair but the end was hot pink and she was wearing a V neck blue T-shirt and black jeans.

"WOW what just happen!" Yells Connie. The girl with pink hair groans. I got up to help her but Mikasa pulled me back. "Eren what if there dangerous?!" I look at her "How could they be dangerous?!" I snap at her.

~Laura POV ~

I groan as I put my hand on my head "Hey you need help?" I look up to met turquoise eyes. I gasp as I saw who I was looking at. 'No this can't be?! Where in attack on titan!!' I quickly got up and look around. I then saw sophia. "SOPHIA!" I scream and then she quickly got up and yelled " I pick curtain number 2!" She then rubs her eyes.

"Ugh were are we?!" "Hey who are you and where did you come from?!" I turn around and my eyes met Erens again. As I was about to open my mouth someone said my name "Laura?" I turn around again and saw someone I thought I never see again " freckle goddess ? White?" I said. Then we all screech.

"EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK" Then we all group hugged "OMG you guys were in attack on titan and you didn't text me about this?!" I said to White "I didn't know we could, yeah we had our phones and all but still,OMG I miss you!!" She then hugged me again.

"At first when I came here I didnt know where we were! I saw the wall and I thought we were in China and then I saw this giant naked things and I thought they were really big strippers!" Kyra said as I laughed.

"OK WHATS GOING ON?!" we all turn our heads and look at levi. Sophia eyes widened. Levi walk up to me and grab my wrist and yank my arm and making my eyes turn pink from anger. His eyes widened "What are you!" He said. I smrik " let me explain.

~small time skip after explaining ~

"And that's where we're from and Me and sophia just came out of black butler and kyra and White are from where we are from we are from and Ciel turn me into a Demon so that's why my eyes turn pink!" I then look at everyones shock face "So wait, Ciel turn you into a demon?!?" White said.

I look at her. "Yeah that's what I just said" Eren then look at Kyra and White "So you knew what would happen it the future and you didn't tell us?! Like what's in my basement!" He says "Eren clam down" Mikasa said "OH MY WALL MARIA THE BASEMENT!" I scream as I put my hands on my head.

"Ugh that drives me CRAZY Not knowing what's in the basement! We still don't know what's in it!" I say.  I sat down and took out my phone and put in my headphones and listen to 'Monster by skillet' "So you'll stay here for now" levi said "I'm going to go talk to Erwin" I look at him. "You mean commder Eyebrows" I said.

Sophia laugh. I then yawned. Levi seem to notice "Eren show the girl her room" Eren saluted "y-yes sir" levi step closer to sophia "although they may be a threat" Then sophia step closer to me and mumbled "I'm no threat, I'm your future wife!" He looks at her "what you said?" "NOTHING" I giggled "I'm staying here to talk" said sophia. I nodded. Eren grab my hand and took me to my room.

"Sorry if its not the kind of room your use to since you lived in a manor" I smiled at him "Its ok, thanks Eren" I saw him blush a little "Well good night" and with that he left.

~small time skip~

it was the middle of the night right now and I was walking on the roof of the castle "I hope Ciels ok" I said. I then look up at the stars and stare at them.

~ ???? POV ~

I just finished eating my master soul and I sense something different. A different demon. I got up and ran to what seems like a Castle and I ran up to the roof and what I saw was a girl with black hair and hot pink on the ends of it. She seems so.... Beautiful. She was strong and powerful, but I don't think she knows that. She will be mine, I'll make her my demon mate if that's last thing I do!

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