Moving On

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The dinner wasn't as awful as it could've been, but it was still hard. Especially since George's sister kept trying to make conversation with me.

"These dinners haven't been quite the same without you, Michelle," she said as she placed a fork on the table.

"I really missed you all too." I smiled at her while folding the cloth napkins George's mother insisted we use. Louise was quiet before she spoke again.

"George missed you the most yano. He was pretty glum whenever he came round." Her voice was serious along with her face. "Did you know that?"

"Of course." Did she think I was oblivious? Or that I was ungrateful for George?

"Okay, well I only think it's important for you to know what sort of effect you have on him." She placed the last fork at her father's plate. "He's always been caring, but I've never seen him quite like this with someone."

"I understand Louise."

"I hope you do," she said before walking back into the kitchen.

This conversation kept replaying itself over and over again inside my mind. It was driving me to the point of insomnia. I rolled away from George and pulled the blankets closer to my chest. My body shivered underneath the comforter; Maybe I should get up and put my pajamas back on. Or would that make George suspicious that I hadn't enjoyed our intimacy?

Yes, we'd finally had sex and it was . . . unusual. Is that the word I was searching for? I don't think I'll ever be quite sure. All I knew then was that George had been celibate for months and I knew that if I didn't satisfy him soon, someone else eventually would. He had never pressured me though; I had been pressuring myself so I finally gave in and it hurt. I pushed the pain away though and locked it up tight so no one would ever know it was there.

As I was about to get up, George sensed I wasn't next to him and rolled over to put an arm around me. The warmth from his body was soothing, but it was too much. I could feel my chest growing tight, rising into my throat. The tears managed to free themselves even though I had squeezed my eyes shut.

"Alright love?" George's sleepy voice whispered.

"Mmhmm," I hummed as steadily as I could.

He was fast asleep next to me once again. I had almost worked up the courage to tell George everything a few times this past week. Every time I would open my mouth though, the words would evaporate off my tongue and into the air. The words would disappear, but something else was building up inside of me, like lava inside a volcano before it erupts.

The next day George decided to douse my neck and face with kisses until I woke up. I would've been more appreciative of such a sweet gesture if I was more of a morning person.

"Hi," I grumbled rubbing my eyes.

"Morning love." His goofy smile greeted me once my eyes were focused.

"Goodmorning." I yawned.

"How'd you sleep?" George asked resting his chin on my chest.

"Pretty good. You?"

"Just lovely." I could see that happy glint in his eye that only appeared after a satisfying night either on stage or in bed. Hopefully this wasn't his way of asking for more.

"Mmm, did you make breakfast?" The smell of coffee brewing filled my nostrils as I stretched.

"Possibly," George answered before drowning my chest in kisses again. His fingers began to gently pull at the sheet covering my breasts. My body froze under his weight even though I wanted to push him off and run for the door.

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