An Affair To Keep Quiet

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Slouching into the sofa as I sipped at my tea, I listened to Suzie while she talked about what had happened since I last saw her a few days ago. She was mostly telling me about her relationship with Ringo. I, on the other hand, was barely speaking. I was just giving her the occasional mmhmm or yeah to let her know that I was still alive and listening. I hadn’t told her anything about me and Brad or . . . what had happened two days ago between me and Paul. How could I? I knew she would be irate and scream at me for being unfaithful.

“So I was hanging round with the boys yesterday,” Suzie said casually.

I couldn’t help but notice the slight caution in her voice.

“Oh?” I replied, trying to sound innocent. “How are they?”

“Alright, they mostly were just practising some songs for their next gig,” she said, but obviously thinking about something else. “But uh Paul was acting kind of funny.”

My stomach dropped about a thousand feet into a bottomless pit. If only that bottomless pit could have swallowed me up at that exact moment. I looked at Suzie trying to see if she suspected me of anything.

“What do you mean?” I asked sounding curious, but still trying to act like I knew nothing at all.

“Well, when I mentioned something about you, he broke a string on his bass and then later he tried to change the subject when I brought you up again,” she answered, glaring at me.

“What? Why is that my fault?” I said trying to sound shocked, but instead came off as defensive.

“Oh, I dunno! Maybe cause you two have been obsessed with each other since you first met!” she exclaimed sarcastically.

My jaw fell open as I gaped at her. “That is not true!!!”

Suzie narrowed her dark eyes at me. “Michelle, what happened?”

My lips began to quiver as I realized how awful the truth was – I had let another man kiss me while I was dating someone who I didn’t even love. And not only had I let him kiss me, I enjoyed the kiss.

“N-Nothing happened!” I lied, my voice shaking uncontrollably. “Why do you think something happened?!”

Suzie stared back at me with a bored expression upon her face. She knew I was lying through my teeth and could see right through me. Instead of pointing it out, though, she simply waited until I caved in and told her the truth.

As the first tear trickled down my cheek, I cried out the terrible truth: “He-He kissed me.” I buried my face into my hands and wept as my friend gasped in horror.

What?! He kissed you?! When?!”

“Two days ago,” I answered lifting my head up and wiping my tear stained face.

“For Christ’s sake, Michelle! How could you let this happen?!” she yelled.

“I-It’s not my fault! He kissed me! He practically attacked me!” I shouted back, attempting to make myself the victim in the situation.

“Did you try to push him away?!” Suzie asked urgently.

I hesitated, “Umm, a-at first I did-”

“You kissed him BACK?!” she asked in horror.

“Well, yes, but no, you see,” I stammered trying to explain my horrible, horrible self.

Michelle! I can’t believe you! You’re with Brad! That name ring any bells?!” she asked waving her hands all over the place as she talked.

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