Chapter 14- The Promise that was kept

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*Warning! Mid-cussing, and Mid-violence.*

Soryu's POV.

As I finished bandaging her wounds, I was furious. My baby girl was covered in new and old cuts from toe to crown. It was clear that she was being abused, but by who I do not know. I look toward Eisuke who was looking at all the bandaged cuts with a not so happy face. Huh, looks like were on the same page for once.

"....Hey brat, what's your name?" Eisuke said as he clearly tried to contain his anger...

She looked at him as her jewel like eyes shined innocently at the reflected light. "Serena Howl! And I am 10 years old hehe!!.. But I shouldn't be up this late... I should go home... sorry to bother you." Her enthusiasm turned to sadness almost as quick as it came as she moved away, toward the door of the lamborghini aventador (matte black). Before I could say anything, nor do, Eisuke of course interrupted me.

"Hey, don't touch my car without permission." His voice rang out loudly in the quiet car, making Serena jump.

I glared at him but he just smirked and pulled her toward him and sat her on his lap as he looked at me in triumph. Which of led to me taking out my gun, but stopped when I thought of what Serena's reaction might be. I slowly pulled my hand away from my jacket as Eisuke's smirk grew even larger than I thought was possible... tch.....

Like that wasn't enough he brought her even closer so that she was almost laying down on his chest.... That smugly little no good for....****.

"So Serena, how about you tell me how you got those wounds hm?" ....Well he was in a talkative mood today... Not... A... Good.. Sign...

"Well... um....I kinda fell... from the tree, yup! I fell down when I was climbing the tree the other day, hehe!"

"Oh really?" Eisuke asked with a sneaky smirk on his face. "Does your mother know that you love to climb trees?"

At this Serena's face grew a bit pale as she hesitated to answer. "Ummm...well, I don't have a mommy, well I used to but she died... on my birthday.. *sigh* I try to celebrate my birthday but, I also try to make sure that I don't cry, it's okay though! I'm better at that now!" :D .... She's a multi open book that's for sure.

"Awwww, you poor poor kitten, well who takes care of you now?" Eisuke wasn't planning on giving up was he? *sigh*

"Ms. Mayle takes care of all the children in the house until those children leave with their new family!" Her voice and face just screamed LIE... this poor kid needs to learn how to lie better.... a LOT better.

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