Chapter 1- The Unknown

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Unknown POV.

I looked upon her picture once again, knowing this may be the last time I see her beautiful smiling face, though twenty years have passed since last saw her when I left her at the door step of the orphanage when her mother died not from giving birth to her, but from being killed from one of my many enemies. That's when I knew I had to protect our daughter from this cold bloody world, even if it meant never seeing her again. And now I lay in my death bed wishing to see her one more time. But that was impossible knowing I'd endanger her life just like her mothers.

Besides I can't move around much as it is, and she soon going to be the new leader of Red Eyed Dragons when I die, and soon my enemies will become hers. But she is not ready for this life yet, that's why I engaged her with my family friend, the leader of the Ice Dragons son, Soryu Oh. Soryu grew up as a kind bright child just like his father was. Speaking of which, he should be here by now. And not one minute later he walked into the room closing the room behind him. Huh, never late and never disappointing, that's my son.

"You called for me?" I was brought out of my thoughts as he looked upon me in a serious but worried expression. "Yes, sit my boy" I said as I pointed to the chair next to my bed. As soon as he sat down I began to tell him what I should have said so a long time ago. "Soryu, as you know I am dying and someone has to take over the Red Eyed Dragons, and I have kept that someone away for safety reasons. But I realize now, that the second I die, all the enemies of the Red Eyes Dragon will start searching for the new leader and she will be found and killed. Which is where you come in Soryu," He looked at me in shock for I have never mentioned of having a child what so ever.

I continued not paying much attention to his obvious questions. "Your father knew something like this would happen, which is why he engaged you with my daughter before she was born. Knowing she would be in danger and in need of help you will be there to help her rule the Red Eyed Dragons, or at least take over until she was ready. But now that I am dying you need to find her and keep her within your eye sight at all times! The moment I die my enemies will be searching for her and they will try to eliminate the new leader of the Red Eyed Dragons. Next to you on the small table, there is a small folder on her ware bouts."

As I said he quickly looked over to the folder and picked it up and started to exam it throughout as fast as he could, though when he came upon her picture he stopped and his eyes lit up, even a little I can see that he already likes her. In that folder there were information about what she had been doing, what she likes...etc. I couldn't help but give off a little smile at him. I was happy that I chose the right man to be my daughters' husband. Though sadly I won't be there to witness it, even now I feel my breath lessening and it was getting harder to breath. I knew I had minutes left.

"Soryu" I said with my eyes slowly closing though I was fighting the urge to with the last of my strength "Please do this for me, this is my final wish my son.... my will is that you find her... find my daughter, you future wife, be gentle and patient with her. She has no experience with this life, this life of all blood and war. Please my boy, help her through this. Love her and cherish her like I cherished her mother and your father. Inside the document are all my money, items, and properties that have already been transferred to her and you both. Hah!.... I just wish I was there for the wedding......hahahaha!" When I saw his eyes open wide and his cheeks to the tip of his ears red I started laughing that was not an everyday Soryu Oh.

I reached out and held his hand in both of mine and said "Take care of her son, remember that I have always seen you as my own son and I still do, tell her that I love her, and that I am sorry I wasn't there for her when she was a child. That I only held her once in her entire life, but both her mother and I love and loved her, tell her this Soryu" I said almost desperately as I squeezed his hands for what seemed like the last time and dark spots started to appeared in front of my eyes as a tear dropped from my already shutting eyes. "Find her, protect her, cherish her, love son....." I whispered as I slowly fell into the familiar darkness, except this time I won't be walking up. "I will.....father" was the last thing I heard before I died with a smile on my face and with one last squeeze, my hand dropped both his and mine to eternal darkness.

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