Chapter 5- Holding an Angel

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Soryu's POV.

When I saw her being dragged into the black van with no mercy what so ever. It felt like the back of my head was hit by my some kind of hot iron and the feeling went down to my shoulders and into my veins and throughout my body. I quickly but carefully aimed my Pistolet wz.35 Vis handgun at the man's right hip, who was carrying my girl over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. When I pulled the trigger of my gun, the man gave a groan as he kneeled down on the cold concert ground.

Serena used this opportunity to get away, but before she a chance to. He grabbed her not too gently and threw her into the van, her head just centimeters from hitting the side of the van. And while van's door closed, the man who threw Serena in shot himself dead as the van drove away violently.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

The sunrise began betting down at us, as it slowly rose into the clouds that beginning to grow dark as the wind crashing violently into our bodies. Still we drove with a broken window down to the old beaten looking warehouse where they were holding Serena. We did this once before, but they got away before we could do anything.

Now we are more than ready to get her. It didn't take long for the Ice Dragons and the Red Seas to be at each other's throats. But compared to us the Red Seas men were weak, they couldn't even aim correctly and were too dense. It didn't take long for us to get into the warehouse. Soon we got in, but still cautious because we knew somewhere in this crappy warehouse, was the boss of the Red Seas family.

I looked around me as I hid behind an old wall that seemed to be falling apart as it already is. I tried to listen for an intruder, but I was greeted with the liking of the old rusty pips. Just as I was going to go down the stairs to what seemed like a basement, a bullet nearly glassed my arm. I quickly hid behind another wall as I looked for the man who almost shot me. It turned out to be the very boss of the Red Seas, Giichi Tomiichi. His name itself meant single rule of a rich person. Giichi was known for his greed and his unfair treatment toward others and in bets.

He always made sure he won, and he was never one to keep the part of his deal. He would use force for anything just to get what he wants, and usually he does. That's why none of the rest of the mafia families even wants to deal with him because of his cruel ways toward almost anything. I looked at him and saw that his henchmen were all dead around him. Heh he should have hired better or trained better men. Just as he turned his body to his left I came out of my hiding and aimed at him. He turned toward me toward me in surprise but it was already too late. He already had a bullet in between in forehead, he looked at me in shock and fear in his eyes, then with his eyes still wide open he fell backwards to the ground, while his head tilted upwards left.

I knew then that Serena must be here somewhere. I started to descend the stairs and I was met with an unusual site, there was nothing except for a few drops of blood on the floor. Then as soon as I saw some type of hidden door that was not covered properly, I heard banging underneath my feet. I looked down and saw a figure moving to stop the banging, I quickly shot the figure and made sure he was down completely until I reached down and pulled out the "hidden door". I shook my head at this the floor has a gaps in between where if you looked down carefully you'd see another hidden floor. And for kidnapping and knowing that they were being followed. They choose a very shoddy place, and with their horribly trained Mafioso that seemed to be of no help.

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