Chapter 3- Getting to Know the Stranger and Kidnapped!! Part 1

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Serena POV.

I slowly opened my eyes to the familiar light grey ceiling, blinking away the blurriness while doing so. It took me a whole ten seconds to process what was going on. After doing so it took a half a second to sit upright on my bed, and a second later regretting doing so, because the room started to spin as my head I feel back into the familiar soft pillow. I put my hand on my forehead from the headache, and gave a small groan in pain.

"Easy there pretty lady, you hit your head pretty hard there." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked to the right and saw the strange man with the red suit, sitting on my couch and smiling like I'm an old friend but had a look of concern for some reason.

"How do you know where I live, and how did you get in?!" I asked shocked.

"Well to answer your question, I'm your new neighbor. And I used your keys to get in and bring your car into the garage, sorry about that by the way, I didn't think you'd want to visit the hospital or leave your car 5 miles away from your house. Oh yeah, my name is Baba Mitsunari pretty lady, nice to meet you." He said while winking at me.

I was completely shocked by this man, never not even once has anything like this happened to me. To be honest when I first met him, I thought he was some weird guy, that was desperate or something. But when looked into his eyes, I saw that they were kind and gentle.

"Thank you and I'm very sorry about the trouble I caused you." I said while blushing a little. Don't get me wrong, I don't like him or anything, I mean no one besides Mr. and Ms. Shells has every cared for me. So it was kind of an embarrassing situation and a little weird too, cause it's been ten years since any ever cared about my wellbeing. I've always been alone; I took care of myself without anyone's help.

"It was no problem, my pleasure actually that I got to help a lovely lady such as yourself, haha my friend was really worried about you though." Baba said with a chuckle.

"Who?" I asked, as looked at Baba confused as he just smiled at me.

"Don't worry, you'll meet him soon enough." He said with a sly smile.

I just looked at him as he grinned, like he knew what he was going to get for Christmas or something. I sighed when I knew that I couldn't do anything convince him to tell me.

Next thing I knew, he stood and walked to the chair besides me, where my jacket was, "Well I have to leave, I'll leave my number inside of your jacket, if you need anything, give me a call. Or knock on my door, I live right beside you." He said as he slipped a piece of paper in my jackets packet. See you later pretty lady" He said with a smile as he turned and started to walk toward my apartment door.

"Serena, my name is Serena Sumiko Howl" I called out to him, when realized I never gave him my name.

He turned to me with a smile "See you later Serena" he said and walked out of the apartment.

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