chapter 21 ; cold shoulder

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Okay guys this is the same day as the last chapter but on Harry's POV soo enjoy>3

Harry's POV

i woke up on a cold and soft duvet which contrast with the warmth besides me. I forced my eyes opened and looked around and i was actually in zayn's room. Which was weird because i didn't remember sleeping here in the first place. I was about to press numerous kisses on the sleeping beauty but decide against it, he was looking so peaceful with his long eyelashes resting on his delicate tan cheek. His peach coloured lips slightly parted with little snores coming from it. I stood from the bed as quietly as i can and tip toed to the bathroom to wash my face. But the familiar ringtone from my phone broke the peace and quiet atmosphere i tried to maintain. I ran downstairs, towards the source of the voice and my sunshine and gleeful morning soon came crashing down when i saw the callers ID and saw 'Dad' written on it. I snatch it from the coffee table and quickly answered it, knowing my dad isn't too fond of me ignoring his calls.

"h-hello dad?" it came out more as an question.

"my office now" his voice stern and commanding and i could clearly tell he wasn't on the most cheery mood.

i sigh and ran upstairs to at least gave zayn a kiss good bye but as soon as i saw him still on his perfect peaceful state i decide to just left him some notes. A ordinary sappy good morning note and a more harry styles kinda note for the second one. I placed the notes and rushed over to give a quick peck on the lips. But his lips was so smooth and soft, it lasted more than a few seconds. I forced myself to pulled away and was amazed on why he was't awake yet. I half way and half run my way downstairs and grabbed my coat and hurtle out to the my car. Speeding in an incredible speed because zayn's house was immensely far from my dad's company, well my soon to be company. I reached the tall elegant glass building in record time and rushed inside. I opened the big metal doors, revealing my pissed looking dad.

"y-you wanted to see me dad?"

"yes son, please sit down" he gestures me to a expensive looking chair. But that only fuel my adrenaline even more, because my dad would always tell me to sit down before he drops a major bomb to me.

"i was thinking about my---our soon to be company's future and this cooperation's faith depends on you, my only son. And your image is really important for this business purposes but also the image of you being my son."


"all i'm trying to say is that you can't be gay" he said bluntly.

"what do you mea--"

"you heard me son and to convince the paparazzi, i have arrange your girlfriend. She's the one who even suggested me this brilliant idea" he said gesturing his fingers to someone to come in.

And what or who i saw standing there with her wide grin that looks somehow now not attracting like how i used to see it.

The same girl who broke my heart and stomp on it like it was a piece of garbage.

The same girl who made me swore to never love anyone again.

The same girl who used to know me inside out.

Now wanting to be my fake girlfriend?

"A-alicia? what the fuck?" i snapped.

"nice to see you too boyfriend" she bat her long fake eyelashes.

"you agreed to this?! HECK YOU SUGGESTED THIS?" i shriek.

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES! if you guys need to get something sorted out or something, feel free to do it outside. BUT NO PAPS, got it? i don't want any womaniser rumour going around you harry, your not even attracted to womens" my dad snorted.

i pushed her out the room and eventually out the building. She kept giving me annoyed look but that expression soon faded when we stepped outside the building and was mob with cameras everywhere.  She almost instantly replaced her bitchy look to a smiling one and her hands find their way to mine, interlocking them in a tight grip.

I tried removing her hands away but her grip was stuck permanently on mine well almost permanently, she then loosen her grip and pulled her hands away when we entered my car and was safely away from the paps.

"their still there" she spoke, leaning too close to my liking and closed her eyes and puckered her lips that was covered in a thick red lipstick.

i pushed her away forcefully and bolt back to my flat with her sending me pathetic death glares.

when we pulled in the driveway to my house, i glance to her playing with her phone.

"Al, can you please explain to me what's all this?" i asked carefully not wanting to offend her in any way.

"ugh, can't keep up styles?" she scoffed still focus on her shining screen.

"look, you used to like me right?--"

"love, i USED to freaking loved you"

"well i was thinking about it this last 4 years and maybe we could work it out?"

"4 years Al? are you serious? that fucking long for you to realise that? you know i have a boyfriend and i'm living my perfectly gay life" i yelled boiling in anger. "But NO, you had to ruin it by suggesting this stupid idea to my freaking dad!"

"baby i-i love you back"

"No you don't you self centred slut, your after my money and fame!"

"well harry, newsflash! i'm going to be your beautiful girlfriend whether you like it or not. Because your dad is expecting a perfect couple from us" she crossed her arms.

The old Alicia whom smile was so pure and loving, whom actions was only for everyone's good. I could never say that this same girl was  the one who i fell in love with. The one who i shared everything with, the one who was always been with me through thick and thin.

"get out" i said sternly.


"I SAID GET OUT" my voice boomed inside the car.

"how am i suppose to get back home?!"

"i don't fucking care, get a cab or something. I'm going to my boyfriend's"

"i swear Harry you'll regret this" she threatened and slammed the car door.

i zoom off, my mind set on zayn and only zayn. I couldn't find words to tell him this so i decided not to and maybe spoiled him a little. I stopped by a florist and bought some roses and quickly rush to his house before he got home at 4 after his art class which he likes to take time with. I swear i don't know his time table by heart. I unlocked the door with the spare key he gave me and began arranging my surprise. I picked the most beautiful ones and lay them down the wooden floor, trailing them down to his bedroom and theres where i would hide. i quickly closed the bedroom door when i heard the front door creaked open and soon heard thumping of his shoes getting louder and louder and eventually stops infront of the bedroom door.

'h-Harry?" his angelic voice immediately soothing me.

We shared lots of heated kiss here and there and a little teasing. But when he straddle me and wiggle his sweet ass, i couldn't help but feel guilt washing over me like strong waves hitting it's shore. And when i denied him, i could see the sadness in his eyes and can't help but feel more guilt slapping me on the face.

"oh okay" he replied shortly which was heart breaking to see him like this.

I just want to kiss him and tell him how beautiful and meaningful he is. Especially when i saw him stripping down infront of me. I literally had to clench on the edge of the bed to not go there and make love to him because i still had to tell him my dad situation which is just wrong to tell him after a fuck.

He laid down to bed, a little further to my liking so i pulled him closer and closer until we were impossibly close. His rapid breathing and scent drifting me to a cozy sleep.

"your so beautiful zayn and your mine" i reassured him.



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