Chapter 8 ; slowly but surely

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Zayn's POV

I didn't know what came over me. Guess it was some sort of random bravery? I was never the one who made a first move like kissing someone even if it's only in the cheek. Laying helplessly on my bed staring at nothing but space. My cheeks feeling hot at the thought of the kiss i gave Harry on his doorstep. God it was just a peck in the cheek. It's not even his lips but now here i am regretting why didn't i kiss his lips instead?

I rushed my thoughts outside my head as there was a light tap on my door.

"Come in" i mumbled quietly but loud enough to be heard across the door. The door squeaked open revealing my mom.

"Hey honey" she smiled kindly.
"Just wanted to say that dinner is ready and you should come downstairs".

"M'not hungry mom, thanks anyways"
I gave her a reassuring smile and she nodded and left the room. I was about to fill my heads with more of my thoughts when she came back and hand me a piece of paper.

"Oh and this paper was left on our doorstep minutes when you walked in" she puts the paper on my bed and closed the door shut.

I stare blankly at the folded piece of paper. Doodles of hearts and arrows were visible on the front part. Finally founding the urge to reach and grabbed it, I gently unfold the fragile piece of paper.


My eyebrows scrunch in confusion. Probably Jeff with his silly apologizing ways. I changed my clothes to a plain grey jacket and black jeans. I told my mom about the paper and she smiled at me. I slowly walked to the park the same park me and harry was earlier. Where i found him sleeping soundlessly under a tree. Why was he there anyways. I stood and the gate of the deserted park. Not a living soul kinda scary but i shrugged it off and sits down where harry was sleeping, under the oak tree. I closed my eyes. Picturing Harry sitting behind me. My hair laying against his warm chest, hearing his heart beating. I won't mind sleeping with his heart beat every night. Then a tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality. When my eyes fluttered opened, all i see was a black figure so i yelp in shock but as soon as the moonlight start radiating his gorgeous face, i sigh in relieve it wasn't some killer or something. It was harry. Well not that his not a killer, he killed me everytime he stand so close to me, killed me everytime his hot breathe hovers my lips, leaving a tingling feeling or when his hands trail down my hand giving me the burning sensation.

"got my paper?" He gave me a toothy smile.

"Uh.. That was you?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, who else do you think would asked you to the park at 8 pm?" He raised his eyebrow while chuckling slightly.

When i didn't answer i could feel his body tensed as his signature smirk was replaced by a frown. He knows i'm still with Jeff. Well not technically, jeff never really ... umm asked me out properly. We just did it and he said i can't be with anyone else so i'm his boyfriend right? Not technically but physically yes. Harry seems to read my mind.

"Lets just forget about him for tonight yeah?" He utter but i didn't miss him saying 'for as long as you can' but i choose not to mention it.

Then suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pull me in to some bush, thorny bush to be exact. Some of the thorns cut my hand which he noticed and bring my hands to his mouth and he kissed it. So lightly and delicate i almost didn't feel it. I feel heat flowing to my cheek as my cheek begins to burn. Then he sat me down. There was a basket and some blankets.

"Thought you'll be cold" he said handing me the blankets.

"I-is this a date haz?" I stuttered.

"Nah just wanted to thank you for walking with me home" he gave me a blank expression but i could see a hint of sadness in his face.

I nodded and sits down, snuggling myself around the warmness of the blankets. I took a bite of a subway sandwich and hum in pleasure. It was so good. Then he took out a tray of brownies from the basket and i screamed in joy. I loved brownies, actually i like anything sweet. I quickly grabbed the brownies and eat the whole bar in one mouthful, leaving brownies crumbs all over my face. He puts his brownies down and lean closer to me. He gently wipe the corner of my lips. My body froze as his warm touch. Then his fingers made their way to my bottom lip, grabbing it and pulling it out like he was playing with it. I tried to gulp but instead chokes because my mouth was still full of brownies. God i was embarrassing. I finally chew and swallowed the brownies down along with a huge amount of saliva as i was chocking. I bit my lip and licked them as they were pretty dry because of the brownies. But i saw his pupil turns to a darker shade of green. His hands were suddenly around my waist pulling me closer to him. His chest against my chest, the only thing separating us was our clothes. Then he inched closer. His hot breath hovering over mine once more. His eyes looked to mine then to my lips then to my eyes again, as if asking for permission. When he didn't move like giving me the choice to kiss him or pull away, i finally closed the gap between us and let my lips smacked against his. Fireworks exploded inside me, my lips and his moving perfectly in sync. We stayed like that for a few minutes. Soft and delicate at first but things get heated when i slid his tongue across my bottom lips. I kept mine closed, choosing to tease him a little but then he pushed me down and hover over me making me gasp by his sudden dominance. He took the opportunity to eat me alive. Tasting me from the inside. His tongue brush mine midway which cause me to moan sending waves of vibrations to his. Eventually we pulled way needing to fill our burning lungs with much desperate oxygen. Then he leaned in passing my swollen lips and whispered seductively.

"This was actually a date, didn't want you to freaked out and ran first" then he bites my ear making me moan his name.

"Shit say my name again" he moaned against my neck. Giving me the shivers as his hot breath hits my cold neck.

I moan his name so loud i was scared i'll woke up the house next door when he rubbed his clothed hard on against my own. I close my eyes with the overwhelming bliss he was giving me.

"Babe open your eyes" he stated pinning my hands above my head.

I shot them open and buck my hips forward, wanting more friction. When i my bulge hits his. He moan louder than me now i was scared he'll wake up the entire neighborhood.

"Shit zayn. I want you so badly"

Which made my groin to stand up even more. He stopped kissing me when we heard a shuffle in between the bushes. Probably some squirrel or raccoon. He lifted me up and cleaned up the picnic set.

"Your coming home with me"


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