chapter 11 ; memory lane

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Zayn's POV

The adrenaline rushing through my veins as i grip his much larger hands tighter, the eco of his metallic laugh piercing through my ears leaving a sting like sensation. Those storm coloured eyes looking intensely at my brown ones that gives cold shivers down to my spin which almost made me flinch and having second thoughts but a reassuring squeeze in my hand brought me from my reverie. A gentle smile made their way when he flash me that signature dimpled smile that replace the cold shivers with warm tingles which made me let out my breath i didn't know i was holding. Straightaway, he shoved me behind his tall figure and i whimpered as the feeling of being a coward and the uncapability of protecting Harry or even myself. The heart warming but pride sucking feeling when Harry is so afraid for me, so afraid that even the slightest needle would bleed me and i would fall asleep forever like sleeping beauty. He looks at me like i was the most fragile thing in the world.

"so you decided to take this one too harry?' Jeff said with an aggravate tone but a displeasing smirk. I scrunch my eyebrows and looked at harry as if asking him whats Jeff was talking about.

"No need to bring up the past jeff" Harry growls through gritted teeth ignoring my puzzled look.

"no need to get feisty on me now, just wanting to tell you to keep this one healthy and fit for me when i take him back someday. Don't ruin him too much" he said and caress my cheek with his rough hands which make me instantly jerked away from the touch and stomp on his feet angrily.

"fuck, i'll miss you too princess" he cussed while rubbing his sore feet because i was wearing thick boots.

"leave us alone Jeff, it's over" harry spoke sternly, his dominant side peeking through and to my dismay it was actually turning me on.

what the fuck, why am i turned on in a certainly not okay situation. okay keep it together malik. Breathe...breathe think about your naked sister wait no that's disgusting and wrong okay okay, your grandma.... i unconsciously made a gag face.

"Will miss the way you moan or scream my name. When i hit that spot woah or when i fuck your tight mouth" he said with a glint of amusement because he was certainly pushing harry's buttons.

"SHUT UP" Harry shriek.

Then the unthinkable happened, Harry throws his balled up fist that hit Jeff hard in the cheeks. When Jeff punches Harry back, he quickly unattached our intertwined hands and pushed me backwards which i thankfully landed on to Louis's arms. Suddenly a whole crowd was gathering around the heated fight while getting their phones out, recording the rare event that was unfolding in front of their eyes. When blood was involve, i couldn't help myself but to try and stop this fight. Seeing that 99% of the crowd won't dare move an inch closer and considering there was no teacher in sight. I jumped in while Jeff was going for Harry's stomach but instead landed on my empty stomach and a lump of blood instantly flows from my mouth as i curled to the cold school tile and whimpered. The fading sounds of Louis and Harry's calls being the only sound in the pitch black darkness that soon was covering my vision.


"Zayn... zayn.. help"

my name echoing through the small house i used to call home. Standing frozen on my old looking doorstep, my feet began to move and i tilted the doorknob meeting the familiar living room that was so compact. I followed the trail sounds of my name which led me to the broken beige door, where the source of my name was. The exact same hair rising scene and blood boiling sight when i went home from school and saw my mom laying there, helpless with my dad's arms around her pale neck screaming desperately for help.


my arms and legs quickly made their way to them as the frightening scene became worse when my mother hands stopped to desperately scratch and tugged on my dad's much muscular arms. i began to slap him as hard as i can but he seems unfazed by it. He instead grabbed me by my collar and throws me to the wall.

I woke up in the nurses office sweating and shaking like crazy. My gaze scan the room and fall on the familiar feathery hair and oceanic eyes.

"wow you okay there bud?" he gave me a weak smile.

"wheres harry?" i cut to the chase.

he let out a sigh and shook his head.

"they expelled him zayn"

I honestly cringe writing this because i know how to end this story but you know idk how to spice things up on the way so vote and comment and follow to seriously give me the strength to write a decent one next.

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