Chapter 7: I Learn Alot, Like The Fact That I Hate Water

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The days went by fairly quickly, what with school work, a few more meetings with McGonagall, (She still doubted me about my dad), and going to the library.

Finally, it was announced that the first Hogsmeade trip would be on Halloween day. I was excited for it. I would find out what Father wanted.

I couldn't help but think about what it was. What could the god of the underworld want? Well, I'd find out.

"Hey, Rebecka," someone said, bringing me out of my thoughts. I jumped. "Oh, hey Peter. What's up?" I asked. He had kind of a nervous smile on his face.

"Have you got your essay done for Professor Binns?" he asked. I shook my head. "I haven't been able to get down to the library."

"Would you want to come down there with me right now?" he asked. I shrugged. "Sure. Sounds good." I grabbed my bag and we left through the portrait hole. My mind started to run wild.

Was this a date? Did he just ask me out on a date? No, we're just friends. He just wants some help with the essay.

We made our way down to the library and sat at one of the study tables. We took out our work so far, which, for me, was practically nothing.

We pulled out a few books, looking, showing certain passages to each other, deciding what to use for our essays. After two hours, I leaned back in my chair and groaned.

"Learning Greek was easier than this," I groaned. He smiled that beautiful smile that brightened his bluish-hazel eyes. Oh, gosh, I am falling for him.

"Are you going to Hogmeade tomorrow?" he asked, probably trying to take my mind off of the work. "Yeah. Are you?" He nodded.

"Maybe we could hang out," he said, acting as though he didn't care if we did or didn't. "Sure," I said a nonchalantly as possible. On the inside, I was totally freaking out.

He wants to hang out with me!!!!

Oh my gosh. Even I thought that sounded girly and desperate. That made me frown.

I used to be girly around Zeke, that stupid, backstabbing butthole. I shook my head. “What are you thinking about?” Peter asked. I smiled.

“Nothing, just thinking about my old boyfriend who, kind of, um, well, broke my heart a few times.” He frowned.

"What are you thinking about?” I asked. He shook his head. “Come on, just tell me.” He looked up at me and smiled.

“I’m thinking about how such an amazing girl like you could have had such a dirt bag as an old boyfriend.” I smiled, blushing.

“You’re so sweet, Peter.” I took a deep breath. “I mean, if I had such an amazing girlfriend like you, I know I’d never let anything happen to her.”

I smiled. This guy was so amazing.

“Any girl would be lucky to have such an amazing and sweet boyfriend like you, Peter.” I bit my thumb nail, a bad habit I had been developing.

We went back to work on our essays for about another hour and then went back to the Gryffindor tower.

We bade each other good night and went up to our respective dormitories.

I took off my school robes and slipped into pajamas. I was ready for a good night’s sleep, which, unfortunately never happens when you’re a demigod.

+ + +

I was dreaming that I was falling, falling, falling. It was dark and I couldn’t see anything.

I hit the ground, gently, in a way that you know it a dream because you haven’t broken your legs on impact.

I was breathing heavily as though I had just run three miles, which wasn’t as bad as it seemed.

I felt like there was a rope tied around my waist, tethering my arms down. It was still dark I couldn’t see. I felt something cold breathing down my back.

I looked behind me, but I couldn’t see because of the void of blackness. I felt like the blackness was closing around me.

I was suffocating. Then I realized it was water I was sinking in. The water was crushing my lungs. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t speak.

Then it came.

The voice. A creepy, psychotic, male voice.

You won’t get away this time, Sierra. It said, over and over again.

I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t see.

Then, I sunk bellow the murky waves, still hearing that voice. You'll never get away again.

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