chspter 18: untitled

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The next day we found out Sammy didn't want to do the band so we picked up Maddie and drove to Jordan's. "Ok so... Do you guys know how to play instruments? If not can you scream?" "Well... I can play the bass." Maddie piped up. "Yeah, and I can scream and play electric guitar. Why?" "Well me and fallen were thinking of starting a band, called broken crimes" "I'll agree to be in the band IF we change the name" Jordan said. "If you got name ideas, hit me"
"Well I don't but I don't really think broken crimes fit." Maddie added. "Oh. Ok" then we beard a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I shouted and lept over the couch, falling on my face. "Ow." I mumble into the floor and got back up then answered the door. Some dude with red  hair was standing there. "Hey..uh is Jordan home?" He asked. "Yeah. Jordan, some dude at the door is asking for you." I said pouting a little cause it wasn't someone famous. Lol like famous people would show up here. Jordan came to the door and slid his arm around my waist. I smiled up at my purple headed partner in crime. "Oh hey! Mike!" I stood there awkwardly. "Oh! Yeah! This is my girl friend, fallen, fallen this is my guy best friend, Mike shimbt (If you get this reference I will love you forever! Jk I'll just give you a pretend cookie)"
"Nice to meet ya, Mike, I'm fallen, as this weirdo already said, my favorite band is Pierce the veil" "mine too!" He squealed like a girl. I laughed. I think if Jordan ever breaks up with me, I'm gonna date him next, I'm mean he is cute. We sat back down at the couch. "We're just trying to find out names for a band, so far we have, bullet through the sky, broken crimes, fallen bullets, rebel skulls, and terrible nightmares" "I like the last one. Hey by the way, could I join?" "Sure! What do you play?" "Well I play the piano and guitar." "Cool, your in." I said. Cassey stood up and yelled "we are terrible nightmares!" We all laughed and drew up some logos. We couldn't decide which one we liked. We had two favorites. After about an hour we decided on the one we liked (media)
Today was ąɯŞơmɛ.

Media is the logo they came up with. I had to use my photo editor because the one I drew I don't like

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