Chapter 9: new kid

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Sigh, its Monday again and we have to go back to school :(: anyways, I heard there's gonna be a new kid at school. I hope its a girl, I mean we have a lot of girls at that school but non are as weird as me.  Yeah sure there's linny but she's not in my grade. But I kinda want it to be a boy cuz all my guy friends are never really talking to me ever since I got back from warrped. I just don't know, I'll guess I figure out when I get to school. 

(Time skip to first class brought to you by Mr. Widemouth)

I sat down tapping my pencil on my deskwaiting for class to start when a boy with once hair, ice blue eyes, just like mine, and was wearing a legend of zelda : majora's mask shirt walked in. He came towards me, so I went back to staring off Into space and taping my pencil again. Then someone taped my shoulder. I looked up at the blonde boy who had just walked in. "Can I sit here?" "Sure, but you'll have to go up and inturduce yourself" "oh...shit" I laughed and the teacher came in. "Alright class today we have another new student, and also welcome back from warrped tour horan girls" "that's your cue" I whispered to the new guy. "Well uh... My names ben" "DROWNED" derick yelled from beside me. "You shouldn't have done that" I said while playfully shoving his arm. "Anyways, uh I'm a big legend of Zelda fan, but my favorite game is majora's mask and I also love forests for some reason" he came sliding back but he fell a couple times, making us all laugh. "Nice trip, have a nice fall?" "Oh shut it" I stuck our my tounge and zoned out, even though it looked like I was paying attention. Turned out Ben had all the same classes as me, well all except chorus. 

(Time skip to after school brought to you by smile dog)

I ran off the bus and all the way home, once I was in my room, I jumped on my bed and screamed into my pillow, I can't belive the new boh was cute! Setting up my camera I decided to make a video for Jeff the killer cosplay, the outfit tutoriol, I got how to do the make-up from anoter tutriol video from someone else. After I had the make-up done I started recording. "Hey kittens its toxic kitty, yes I changed my name, anyways, as you can see I already have the make-up for a Jeff the killer cosplay. I'm going to show you kittys how to do the actual hair and outfit." After I had died my hair black and did that whole prosses, I put on my white hoodie. I grabbed my blood red nail polish and made some 'blood splater' on the hoodie. I already had jeans on so.... Yeah. After that I took a plastic kitchen knife, that looked real, and used the nail polish again did the same thing pretty much. "Don't worry the knife is plastic." I said as linny walked in and screamed and walked out, about twointues later, everyone else came in. "What have you done with my daughter" niall said, rather roughly. 'Now time to mess with them' I thought I laughed an insane laugh "your daughter is mine now, pretty boy" o said and lunged at him, grabing onto his back, then hit his face with the plastic knife. "I fooled you guys, I'm just dressed as Jeff and I got it on camera!!" I yelled and ninga fliped over to the camera, waving bye and stopped recording, everone left my room and I wiped my make-up off, and put on my black hoodie, with batman symbol on it. I editited my video then took a nap, since I didn't have homework today. I woks up to my phone ringing drown by BMTH. Ben was calling .e, but why? I answered yelling "wazzzzzup!" "Wazzzzupppp!" Ben replied. "So what you want, link" "hey! Don't call me that, I don't look like him! But I was wandering if you'd want to hang out tommorow after school" "uh..sure, where at?" "Sl- I mean rosswood park, the forest behind there" "uh yeah sure, I'll ask" "ben who are you talking to, better not be another, girlfriend" "no just a friend" I heard on the other side I laughed at the girlfriend comment. 

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