Chapter 15

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Lucy and Ashley skipped through the garden, they were giggling at Lucy's stories about the season. Ashley could see why her brother was taken with Lucy, she was very beautiful. Ashley found she could be herself with Lucy, that girl Sarah was so fake. She cooed at her like she was a toddler, she was after all seventeen. She knew that her brother was dumb when it came to a pretty face. She couldn't blame him though, cause both girls were that. 

Although she had to admit, that Lucy was the one who was beautiful inside and out. She didn't care for Sarah, she felt uneasy around her. Like she was out for the title and money, not for love. Lucy was regaling tales of how she had met her brother. It sounded just like Grayson, he should have just dumped one and kept the other. Ashley was grateful that even if he didn't pick Lucy, she now had a friend to confide in. She wanted to make Grayson choose Lucy, so that she would not only have a sister. She would be gaining a friend, only if she could arrange for that to happen.

Lucy smiled at her," I just love this garden, all the flowers are starting to bloom. I do enjoy being outdoors away from prying eyes, don't you?"  Lucy twirled around in a circle as she took in the beauty around her. 

Ashley laughed," I love being outdoors, but my mother has her duties to take care of. So I don't always get to come out and enjoy the fresh air." She loved the fact that Lucy shared the same passion for the outdoors with her. 

Lucy giggled," I know what you mean, my grandmother is always scolding me about getting to much sun. I think she is scared that the sun will turn me brown, I sometimes wish that I could just be a boy. So that I could romp around and not get reprimanded for it." Both girls were in a fit of giggles after that comment.

They were roaming free through the garden when a servant came to announce that lunch was served. Both girls giggled and followed behind the servant to the terrace, where all the guests had assembled. The Duchess and Joyce watched as the two girls came around the corner giggling. Marybeth hadn't seen her daughter so happy before, she noticed how pink her cheeks were. She looked radiant, and then she noticed Lucy. The fresh air did something to her beauty, it seemed it made her look more alive. 

Grayson came forward to greet his mother, he stopped in his tracks as he heard the giggling. There was his baby sister happy as she could be. He wanted to know who was making her laugh like that, so he looked around to find the person responsible. Lucy! She is the one who has gotten his sister to loosen up. He grinned as they came closer, he couldn't wait for lunch to be over. He wanted to get Lucy alone, he hadn't seen her in over a week. 

Lucy and Ashley walked over to Marybeth and Joyce, they were still giggling as they told of their adventure in the garden. Grayson listened intently as he heard every word that was said. He was feeling a certain stirring in his nether regions. Lucy was certainly going to be shocked at what he had planned for them. She didn't know that he had planned for her bedroom to be across the hall from his. He made sure that she was the only guest to be that close to his room.

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