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 "So wanna get started?".

 Long seconds of nothing passed as I pulled out my history book and flipped through the pages. When I looked back at him, I saw a grin on his face. A grin that said "I know more than you". He shook his head and moved over to the bed.

I moved over and knelt beside the bed, knowing that would be as close I dared get to him. "Whatever you say" he said laying down, his head towards the foot of the bed.

"Where do we begin" he asked.

We started on Lincoln winning the presidency, moving through the civil war and rounded out with a little revolutionary war all in about like ninety minutes. There was a lot of material to cover in one semester and in a cramming session like this it was almost impossible.

At times, he would strain his neck to see what I was pointing at in the book in front of me. Our faces would be only a couple of inches apart. I would breathe in his intoxicating smell, studying his face in my peripheral, and be afraid he could hear my heart racing. I wanted to just kiss his cheek, lick his jaw, and nuzzle into his neck.

I found myself staring at his strong, chiseled jaw, his light five o'clock shadow, his prominent, high cheekbones, and the extraordinary up-close view of one of those golden brown pools of magic that could make me swoon with a glance. he was something out of a fantasy.

 he was something out of a fantasy

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Time flew by. At the end of the first hour we both knew two things. One, there were way more things he didn't know that he told me he did. Two, neither of us could go on more than an hour at the rate we were going. In the last thirty minutes things began to unravel. He began asking random questions as he flipped through the book. He had decided to lay back on the bed with the book in his hands.

As he leaned up against a pillow he propped up on his headboard,his shirt had ridden up as he shifted around. The exposed skin around his shirt was just ruining my ability to talk to him. The band of his underwear was barely visible. "You know a lot about this stuff don't you?" He asked, the words barely penetrating the fog around my mind. As I sat there, I saw the edges of what had to be his abs move with each breath.

I mean I always had a stomach but never once have I had abs. I wondered what it was like. Then I wondered what it felt like.

"Khalil?" he said waving his hand in front of my face. I jerked back as if I had been burned. That was when I realized my legs had fallen asleep under me. I had been kneeling at the side of his bed for about an hour, the blood had stopped flowing where it had to go and now it was flowing where it wasn't supposed to be.

I went on my side as I sucked in a sound, biting my teeth into my bottom lip. The pins and needles that exploded throughout my legs was excruciating as any torture I had imagined. Seconds later, Cole's head popped over the side of the bed.

"You okay?".

My eyes where clenched "peachy" I said half grunting.

"You know you could have sat up here with me". He settled in resting his head on his hands as he watched me try not to cry. "Its a big bed, and its comfy".

"I'm good" which was all I could say.

"Ooooookay" I could just hear the damn grin in his voice.

"So whats your deal anyway?". My heart stopped

"deal?" I said faced with a far greater pain than anything my body could throw at me.

"Yeah deal" he said casually. Like we were long lost friends just catching up not relative stranger on two different levels. "I mean your not ugly and you're not fat you're just.... I dunno thick".

This must have been the nicest thing anyone has said to me or at least that's how I looked

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This must have been the nicest thing anyone has said to me or at least that's how I looked. I clutched my heart like I was having a heart attack. He was right, I wasn't ugly and I wasn't fat either. I just had more than any normal boy.

"Umm thanks" I said. Finally, I began to be able to control my bottom half again. "No I REALLY mean It like you're not ugly, so whats up with the whole I'm shy routine you been giving me?"

His brown eyes looking down on me and I felt my stomach plummet.

"Watchu mean" I said with my head down completely ignoring his brown eyes.

"I be seeing you around school and I know how you and your friend Ciarra. Y'all are so funny ... So why you acting so shy around me but when I see you at lunch with your friend your like a totally new person?".

"I don't know - with Ciara it easy to be goofy with her since I've known her since I was young."

"I wish I had someone like that many people try to be my friend cuz they know I got money or cuz I'm on the basketball team" he said reaching for his baseball alarm clock with one hand.

I snorted sarcastically "So your trying to tell me you Cole Manning don't have any real friends".

"Is it really that hard to believe"

He laughed while tossing the alarm clock up on the air again. If blood had began to flow back into my legs, it looked like it drained from my face. He glanced his head at me and whatever he saw must have shocked him because he completely forgot about the falling plastic that was hurling towards his face.

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