Maybe it not okay

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"Jack can you explain this to me?" I asked, he stuttered. "Babe?" Amber said. "Go talk to Matt." Jack said. "Why can't you tell me?" I asked. "Bro code, Kenna you get it." He replied. "Yeah I get it." I said as I walked out of the room. "Hey Matt?!?" I yelled as I started walking down stairs. He met me at the bottom of the stairs. I played the video. "Wanna explain why that boy looks like you and someone who looks and sounds like Cameron says come on Matt?" I asked pointing to my phone. "Oh and why I kept seeing this boy for the next 3 months with the same group of friends that I saw on the day I took this video?"  "Okay look Kenna I liked you a lot when I saw you that day and I made the boys take you it was my idea." Matt said. "You mean that I got kissed by like 5 guys in the span of 3 days and got hit in the face throw down and more cause you fell in love with me?" I asked. "Kenna it's different than that...." Matt said. "NO MATT ITS NOT I GOT TAKEN AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS AND I DONT EVEN TALK TO JAYCEE ANYMORE BECAUSE YOU "FELL IN LOVE WITH ME"!!" I screamed.  I ran into my room and slammed my door, I'm so mad and I couldn't believe it. I grabbed things I would need and shoved them into a backpack, I wrote a note telling Amber about how I loved her and that I am sorry for leaving her like this. I called him...... As in him I meant Luke, he's one of my exs but we're good friends and he still likes me I told him to pick me up at the end of the dirt road. This was it after everything with Amber and everyone I'm leaving them. I'll miss them. I wrote a quick not saying I'll miss them all and I added I'll miss you too Matt. I got a text from Luke.
My Lukers💕-Hey Cutie I'm here lets go.
Me-Okay My Lukers I'm coming
I grabbed my bag and put it on and climbed out of the window.

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