First Day part 2

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I walked out of the gym with JJ and Matt, Taylor was still flirting with Ashley. "I see that you're jealous, you kinda suck at hiding it, Taylor is just to tied up with her to notice." Matt said. "Well there isn't much I could do so what's the point of even trying." I said shrugging. "You're not even gonna try to keep him or fight back?!" Matt practically yelled. "LOOK THAT GIRL WILL WIN IVE FOUGHT OVER A BOY WITH HER BEFORE AND I LOST I DONT WANT TO LET HIM GO BUT IF HE WANTS HER HE CAN FUCKING HAVE HER, I WAS TOLD HE WAS A PLAYER AND IF HE CHEATS THEN ITS OVER AND I WONT GO BACK BUT UNTILL THEN I WILL STAND OUT AND WATCH HIM FLIRT WITH GIRLS AND THINK ABOUT WHAT HE IS DOING RIGHT NOW IS THE REASON I FELL FOR HIM!! I screamed I ran down the hallway and into the bathroom. This is why I hated high school, they had no idea I was depressed or any idea of what goes on, maybe I should just date JJ or not date anyone, I'm sick of feeling alone I'm sick of faking a smile, I pretend I'm okay and I'm no where near it. I think more a bout killing myself than graduating high school. Depressed people are the best actors on Earth they act like they are okay everyday. I wish I could walk up to them and show them the scars and tell them that they are the reason I cut, I drink I smoke and party just to keep it all off my mind. I'm not okay an ill never be okay, the thing people don't understand is that depression isn't a choice if I had the choice I wouldn't be this way. When I'm around people I act okay but when I'm by myself I just become the person I really am, a monster. I feel like I'm going a little bit more insane everyday, I break a little bit more and die a little bit more every single God damn day. I just want to end all, I hate everything about myself every fucking thing. I wiped my tears and looked in the mirror, I walked out of the bathroom and there was Rylie, my biggest bully. "Awe just got back to school and already needie for attention are we?" Rylie said and chuckled. She circled around me, "I see your getting even more fat." Rylie said as she pushed me into the bathroom. "MAKE YOURSELF PUKE YOU LITTLE SLUT!!" Rylie yelled at me as she kept pushing me farther into a bathroom stall. Rylie kicked me and pushed me to the ground and stomped on me. All her friends laughed doing the same. As the walked out I started crying I walked out of the bathroom, and as I walked out I saw Taylor with talking to Ashley. I ran down the hall and out of the building, I got in JJs car and sat there just crying until school ended.

Kidnapped by MagconHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin