The secret

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I went into my room and started on my homework I needed time to think lots of time.
Matts POV
I walked in the house an when to JackJs room. "Dude what's up?" I asked. "So hum why did you lie to Kenna about what happened last night. She was on me she was with me the whole night and you and Taylor lied about it." I said trying my hardest not to yell. "I liked her first and you know it Matt." Jack said. "Whatever I have liked her for 3 months I liked her when we first saw her at the mall." I said clenching my fists. "I risked my life for her and I won't let you assholes steal her from me she's mine and I won't give up with out a fight." I said as I turned around and walked out. "Maybe I should tell her that we kidnapped her cause you fell in love with her and that you stocked her 3 months." Jack said. "I didn't stock her I saw her like 4 times and then I saw her at that party and took her." I said. "It's not really something I'm proud of, but you need to back the hell off she's mine." I added. "It's funny first it's Taylor and me fighting over her then you and me. You guys are both just mad cause you know I'll win her over." Jack said. That's it I was done I clenched my fists. "Jack stop." I said though my clenched teeth. "Stop saying the truth you know she likes me she loves me remember the night we took her so was all high and shit and what did she say to me? She said that she loved my eyes and that blue eyes and green eyes kill her. I'll win."  Jack said. "Leave her alone!" I said. "I'm gonna ask her out." Jack said. "No no no bro." I said.
Kenna's pov
I scrolled up to the begging of my pictures and smiled at them all as I went though there was this blurry picture of a cute boy I scrolled past thinking nothing of it I played the video that had just came up. It was me and Ashley looking though my camera screen witch was clearly of the cute boy. He turned around, he looked oddly familiar as I kept watching he winked at the camera and I could tell that I was trying not to freak out at the time. One of his friends walked up and said "Let's go Matt." His friend coincidently sounded like Cameron. I went back and paused the video and zoomed in on the boy. It looked like Matt I got up still in aww I ran up stairs "Amber?!" I yelled. I walked to Gilinskys room, they both looked at me weirdly. "Uhm come look at this." I said restarting the video and playing it again.

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