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As I walked out of my class I saw Matt waiting for me. "Hi." Matt said as we walked out of the school towards home. "What's wrong?" He asked. "It's just that everything is out of place, and I'm cold." I said crossing my arms. Matt pulled a grey sweatshirt out of his backpack. I put it on and saw on the right arm was blue polkadots. All the flashbacks from last night came back. I stopped and looked at Matt. "Tell me what happened last night." He looked at me wide eyed his brown eyes looking deep into my blue ones as if he were searching for something, looking for an answer or even a question. I thought about looking away what if he saw something I didn't want him to what if he was looking for something I didn't want him to find. I didn't look away and with in that 10 seconds of thinking that seemed like an hour I realized how much Matt meant to me, I was letting him find out maybe one of my deepest secrets. Matt grabbed my sides and pulled me close and kissed me. He lifted me off the ground. This kiss was more meaning full than what Taylor Hayes or JJ have ever done or any boy at all. Our mouths moved in perfect harmony he was passionate. He stopped and my eyes fluttered open. "That's what happened last night, I didnt want to tell you cause I don't want our friendship to end, I didn't what you to irritated that I liked you like all the other guys, but to be truthful I've liked you for the longest time, I've wanted you to be mine, the way when you laugh you show all you teeth and you eyes shine as bright as the stars. And I love your long brown hair and how no madder how hard you try to make it not fall in you face it still dose and it make you look even more perfect and when you blush you always look down at your shoes. You have the most perfect body, your curves and and everything and I will always like you not madder what I love you but I don't want to ruin our friendship and I know you don't feel the same way and may never, you were all over me last night and at first you came into my bed and were cuddling with me kissing my neck and my chest and the you said you were really hot and took off your shirt and pants. I fell asleep cuddling with you and I woke up to JackJ taking you to his room. An we kissed like a million times." He sighed and looked down. "Mattie?" I said "Kennabug?" Matt said looking up, without thinking I grabbed his face and kissed him. We stopped an started walking home. I don't know what I was gonna do I had to chose JJ or Matt of course I still liked Taylor but he hit me and cheated on me and JJ lied to me for no reason or to get something out of me Matt lied to me for a reason and Matt was so I just don't know but I need to figure out who I wanted, and I needed to figure out soon.

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