Chapter Four

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"Listen to me carefully," said Salamand.

Attentively, Scott nodded.

"Don't talk when not addressed to,"

"Got it,"

"Don't comment and don't defend yourself like what you did back there,"

"Well that doesn't sound fair--"

"And never, ever, ever talk directly to any one of the kings,"

"Ever?" Scott repeated playfully.

Salamand pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes, with a warning tone, the man spoke, "Scott?"

"Okay, okay," He answered trying to keep a straight face, "I'm just kidding,"

"Now is not the time to fool around--"

"Okay, just carry on," the redhead rolled his eyes.

With an impatient sigh, Salamand continued, "and most important of all, do not make any forms of eye contact."

Scott narrowed his eyes, "then what am I suppose to do in there?"

"Absolutely nothing," he grinned nervously, "trust me, just..." He sighed before throwing the tall double doors wide open.

The chamber was massive enough to trick you into thinking that it was the outdoors had it not been for the stone ceiling blocking out the sky. Eight gargantuan dragons lazily lay down nearby the walls, some were eating, others were napping and the rest stared at Scott inquisitively.

In the middle was a large circular table intricately designed as exquisitely as the high-backed chairs the majestic kings sat on. Brightly lit torches danced against the wall playing ominous shadows that emphasized each irritable king's features.

At the far end of the table sat the King of Pendragon watching Scott with careful eyes. Standing frozen by the doorway, anxiety quickly overwhelmed him as his heart rattled wildly in his chest instantly wiping his mind clean.

Scott cleared his throat as Salamand bowed before the kings before the redhead clumsily did so, nearly forgetting it from the built up tension.

"From the Kingdom of Pendragon, the presence of Scottreyg Pengadorn shall now be noted as we revise the accused actions he has made throughout and before the Ceremonial Grazing,"

"Hi," his voice cracked, nervously waving at the council half-heartedly.

Just then some sort of spell has been broken and all the kings began an outburst; they violently pounded on the tables, yelled incoherent foul words at him and pointed rude fingers in his directions. Dragons yowled as they sensed their owner's distress.

"What," Salamand hissed venomously at the teen, "did I tell you?"

He shrank from where he stood and helplessly grinned at the man rigidly standing to his left, "I'm sorry, I forgot," he muttered with a sheepish grin.

The bald man quietly glared daggers at Scott. Slowly, Salamand began breathing deeply to calm himself down as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Silence!" King Hedrich articulated with two decibels higher than the norm to capture all the Kings' attention. "I will not accept any more informalities in this council coming from the Kings of the Kingdoms, our new member has little knowledge of how our meetings go, so please, act like a dignified King that we are!"

Other kings rolled their eyes, a few grumbled to themselves and the rest watched Scott with such blank faces as Salamand ushered him to the unoccupied seat opposite of King Hedrich's end. A wide gap was left alone to separate four kings who sat to his left and three sitting to his right.

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