Chapter 11:

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Anna's pov.
I continue to sit on one of the old wooden chairs that had been left behind in one of the little rooms that I had guessed was some girls. It was a dusty place to make into a main head quarters. Plus I knew Mark would track me down to here sooner or later.

I sighed at the thought. Mark use to be my best friend and now he's just something he shouldn't be. He was a kind and loving guy. But now, He's the complete opposite...

I didn't like that idea. I just tried to remember the positive things about him. But as always his dark side pops back up... It got to the point to where I relized something similar to him and Ryan...

They both have a dark side.... Ryan's is Virus Cry and Marks is Dark.... Thats kinda odd... It makes for an intresting conversation I guess....

" Hello?" Asks a muffled voice at the door. I ignore it but it sounded like someone very familiar to me... It sounded like someone I had been waiting to see my whole life...... " I know your in there Anna!"

" Ryan?" I ask out of curiousity. It went silent. I quickly run to the door opening it and slamming it into the wall... No one stood outside...

I was confused. It had to have been Ryan... It just had to have been! I can't be imagining him being here! Hes here somewhere... SOMEWHERE!

" Anna..." The voice fades off. I look infront of me seeing Ryan. I start to remember the time I had with him. Flashbacks of my little capture continue to flash in my mind.

I start to run towards the figure seeing it start running towards me. I had tears running down my face. Soon, I was being hugged by the giant arms of Ryans.

" Ryan..." I whimper out. He smiles at the sound of his name. I couldn't hold back my tears. I was so happy...

But then it fades away. Ryan was gone from my arms and basically disappears... I woke up to the sounds of the dim lights that somehow buzzed and still worked...

I wipe away tears that stained my face. I was a confused and still am. He was in my arms. I know he was... He still has to be in my arms... He had to have been....

I finally just broke down. I couldn't stand living without him any longer. I didn't care what Mark would do to me anymore. I just couldn't stand the pain of being litterally forced to be away from each other!

I grab my knife and head out the old door. I had a dim street light that barly even lit up my little sidewalk. It annoyed me but I couldn't care about it at the moment...

I knew there was no stoping me. I had a target on mind and I was going to find that target no matter what...
I was almost completly through the woods until I saw something werid... I saw Shadowmere standing there watching me. I continued my way seeing her red eyes continue to stare at me.

It became uncomfortable to where I stopped in my tracks. Shadowmere just stayed there still and continue to stare. It was as if she was soulless at the moment.

" Shadowmere?" I question. She doesn't respond. Doesn't move or anything. I start to walk towards her. She stays still as I continued my way towards her.

As I got closer I relized something was diffrent about her. Something wasnt right... Thats when I got closer to her when I saw what was bothering her...

" Zoie...." Whimpers Shadowmere as she stares at the small fragile body that lied infront of her. I gasped and quickly rushed over to Zoie.

" Zoie?" I ask. Her eyes barly open and I relized Ken was by her. I start to cry again.

" Anna?" Asks Zoie as she weakly smiles at me. I couldn't believe my eyes. Zoie had a stab wound... Someone had done something Thats caused her healing process basically completly stop until she's completly dried out...

" Wh...what ha....happened?" I studder out. Zoie looks down seeing the blood on her shirt. She looks at me in the eyes.

" Find.... Ryan...." Zoie whispers. I nod my head. Zoie smiled again.

" I...Im.... going" I studder again. Zoies weak smile stayed on her face.

" And...Anna..." Whimpers Zoie. I had tears streaming down my face like a river was flooding from to much rain..." Take....Down....Mark...."

I felt her basically die in my arms. It terrified me enough to where I started doing the ' No, no, no' Thing.

I look behind me seeing Shadowmere still standing there. But this time she was shaking... I see Ken walk over to her to comfort her but she stopped him by putting out her black wings.

" Shadowmere..." Tried Ken. Shadowmere shakes her head putting her wings to their original place. I saw her breathing start to rapidly beat.

Soon, She was off. I knew nothing could stop her when she went on her killing sprees. But, This wasnt one of her killing sprees for fun. She was going to keep killing until someone would become an actual challenge for her... Those normal police and military guns bullets won't even dent her...

There was only one way to stop Shadowmere... And only Zoie could do it...
I couldn't stop thinking about Zoie. I couldn't stop thinking about anything... My life has been a mess since Mark had basically abducted.

But I could only think about what Zoie said. I had to find Ryan. We had to stop Mark...

The only problem was that I couldn't remember where Ryan could have been. I needed to remember but it had been to long... So now, I guess I will just have to attempt to solve this challenge my own way......

Hey guys! I hope you all are enjoying the book. I had a very Couragous idea and I bet Zoie is going to kill me for killing her...
Anyways, Make sure to vote and comment telling me what you think! I am going to go type chapter 12 now... Also I already have my idea of how the books going to play out.... So yeah. Well, I guess this is bye for now... BAI

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