Chapter 8:

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Last time on Our Differences.
I enter the old school building. Never thought id see this place again....

" What are you doing here Anna?" Questions a dark voice...

Presently on Our Differences...

" I think, It would be more gorgous, If someone like you took over the place..." States an anonimus voice. I turn around meeting face to mask with a certain Pasta I never thought I would be seeing for a while now.

" Everyone knows it would be better if I took the place over!" I exclaim. The masked felon chuckles.

" Especially that old little boyfriend of yours." Points out Jeff. I glare daggers at him. Just hearing anything that would remind me of Ryan made my heart sink into a little black hole where nothing but the cold and bitter darkness was.

" Shut your fucking mouth Jeff!" I exclaim. Jeff starts chuckling.

" So, Are you taking this place over or nah?" Questions the masked guy who now had his arm firmly around my waist. I stare at him for a bit.

" I.... I mean.... I c-can I g-uess...." I studder out. I see the mask move up knowing he was smirking. The White little mask that covered his face made me a little upset. I mean sure it had a diffrent type of style was going on with the mask, But still, I remember the little poker mask that hid Ryan's face from me...

" So, lets go steal some supplies from Home Depo or something like that." Blurts out Masky from behind me. I smile.

" That's where we shall go then!" I announce. " ON WARDS! PREPARE THE CALVARY! WE TAKE ON THE SUPPLIES STORES AND SOON OUR JOURNY WILL CONTINUE TO THE REEFS OF THE DEEP BLUE AND CRAP LIKE THAT!" Masky couldn't help but fall down in a fit of laughter.

We make it to the outside of a now closed Home Depo. To be honest, I thought this would have been a tiny bit harder then it looked. I was pretty sure Home Depo was suppose to be open 24/7.

We shatter the sliding glass door with a rock. I did it in style though since I through Jeff right through the glass door that was on my side.

" WHAT THE FUCK!" Yells Jeff. I shush him before talking back.

" Sorry, thought you were a battle ram." I slyly replie chuckling a little.

I start my way into the Home Depo relizing how big it was right off the bat. I look around seeing paints of diffrent colors, purfectly cut wood planks, Diffrent sized tools that would be perfect for torturing people.

" Welcome to the worlds best place for supplies!" Greets Masky behind the counter. I giggle. " Can I help you pretty lady with anything?"

" Why yes you can." I replie to Maskys question. He smirks. " I am looking for the most purfect wooden planks you have. They must be flawless. I also want some black, Purple and crimson red paint."

" Well you've come to the right place." Points out Masky. " If you will please allow me to escort you to the designated spots for the supplies it would be an honor." Masky holds out his hand. I hesitate before accepting.

" I almost forgot that I need tools to ' work' with." I point out. Masky smiles under his mask and nods.

" Of corse you will my lady!" Exclaims Masky as he grabs a cart. " We will make sure to grab everything! It will be to your likeings your majesty!"

" Please, Do not call me your Majesty." I growl out. Masky chuckles.

" Of corse lady Anna." Agrees Masky. " It is to high of an honor for someone without the proper clothing to be announced as a queen!"

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