Chapter 12

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The past few days weren't going so well for Jenko and I ,Schmidt in the other hand was getting very much approval from Dickson just because he had gotten into the popular kid circle with Eric . Today Jenko and I walked hand in hand to the science room and knocked "pass word ?" "Kneel before Zod" I rolled my eyes "If Nicole is with you she has to say it too" I looked at Jenko and shook my head no "come on please " I sighed "kneel before Zed " "close enough " the door opened and we walked in ,I quickly walked over to a desk before getting caught between the geek sword fight after Jenko began swinging on the desk "let's tap that wire huh?" " we were just about to go outside with a bunch of chemicals ,we were going to test what blows up there's no reason the wire tap is urgent right ? " Zack asks "um no not that we can think of right Brad ? " I said standing up and walking towards him "nope not that makes sense anyway " . We stood outside pouring chemicals into a Gatorade bottle "go for it ,go for it " Jenko yelled "look out !" I yelled we all ran back to a safe spot and watched it blow up before our eyes "yes that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about " we celebrated I jumped on Jenko's back "I love this science shit " he said holding me so I wouldn't fall "let's do it again " Jenko and I said at the same time . I was walking back to the parking lot when I saw Jenko check his phone "you waiting for Schmidt?" I asked taking out the hair tie in my hair "nah he's busy with-" "with Eric right ?" he nods ,I walk up closer to him "its okay ,come on I'll hang out with you ...Brad " I said smiling he smiled back and grabbed me by the waist "so if you call me Brad that means we are a couple right ?" I smirk "ain't denying it " his lips met mine and I couldn't help but kiss back "we should um go " I said getting into the car . Jenko and I entered the room where Zack and Roman were "Hello boys " "This eco-pussy is going down today " Jenko and I said ,we sat down and began playing video games then we argued about Pluto being or not being a planet "its ready " we got up and walked up to the small computer "the mic is live and we can hear how the other half lives " minutes into the conversation through the mic Molly brings up prom "what is she doing ? " I asked staring at the computer "prom eats dongs " multiple dongs " I got up "all right anyone who says they don't care about prom actually secretly does " "who we gonna take to prom ? no one's going to prom with us " "come on picture it you pull up in a white stallion of a limo you got fine ass honeys with you "Jenko says pulling me and twirling me around "you're dressed to the nines with your best buds ,doves fly out behind you slow motion " "doves why doves?" I ask catching my breath "cause dove's make you look bad ass that's why " he said smiling at looking down at me ,we looked at the guys and stopped holding each other and cleared our throats "hm yea that's why you guys need to go to prom " I say heating up from the face ,we kept listening to the conversation " Would you ..." Schmidt was trying to ask Molly to the prom "he's going to choke he always chokes "Jenko says "wait for it " I say " so would would you ..would you maybe" "oh my god are you okay " "yeah" "that is the actual sound of choking " Jenko said laughing "would you want to go to go to me ...maybe with me to prom ?" "yes I would love to go to prom with you "" I stood speechless "what? she just said yes" "whoa " "good for you Doug " Jenko said ,we heard a few more voices join the conversation "hey Doug settle an argument you and your brother aren't related right cause you look totally different " "he's adopted we all suspect from a really lame family " I stood mouth open did Schmidt just say that about Jenko "where is he tonight ?" "probably at home with those lame tools he hangs out with not to mention his geek of a girlfriend " "except I don't know how their together Brad is really shitty at math and she's like a super nerd " "your brothers kind of a dick " "well yea he kind of is ,isn't he ?" Jenko said turning around "don't listen to that " Zack said slamming the computer "I don't give a fuck " Jenko turned around and through the ninja star into the picture . The next day we were sitting down at the stations desk ,Jenko and I were trying to get work done but Schmidt's computer kept beeping "guys Eric's the funniest IM-er ever " Jenko and I slammed the desk "hey guys how are you ,guess what don't care " the other agents said "ugh you guys again " I said putting my head down "looks like we're going to have to do your jobs for you suckers " I shoot my head up and look at Jenko "you failed to stop the outbreak and you have no leads ,you either find the supplier or I'm gonna jump your asses off of jump street !" Dickson yelled " I totally understand where you're coming from sir ,but look Valentine and I heard Eric talking on the phone yesterday with somebody that sounded very suspect about meeting up with a stuffed Piñata " "Is that a code for sex ?" Dickson asked ,we rushed out of the building Jenko and I in front "Piñata really?" Schmidt asked "Yup " Jenko and I both said "remember that wiretap that Jenko told you he put into Eric's phone well while you were having the time of your life we overheard a phone call between Eric and some dude about a piñata " "that's all you heard ?" I looked at him "yep " and got inside the car.

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