Chapter 11

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Tonight we are having a party courtesy of Jenko and Schmidt ,so we need permission from the boss ,we currently sat in Dickson's office he stared at us while eating a sandwich "are ya'll throwing a party ?" he asked pointing at Schmidt and Jenko "what?" Jenko asked pretending to be confused "there's rumors in the twittersphere ,and if any of my officers are caught giving alcohol to minors they find theyselves in prison with a snorkel duct-taped to they mouth and me shitting down that snorkel " we all looked at him "that's extremely vivid thank you " Schmidt said "jeez " I said standing up and walking out after the guys. In order to throw this party we're going to have to send Schmidt's parents out "you're the best ,you are the best oh my god we love you guys " Mrs. Schmidt said backing away "enjoy the vineyard " Jenko said "you boys be good and take care of cherry pie ,I can't believe you guys did this for us bye we love you " I was currently putting things away that Schmidt said would kill the vibe ,when Jenko placed his picture on the wall "look dude it's kinda like we're brothers " he said looking at Schmidt "wait how are we gonna buy alcohol " "dude I don't have a fake ID " we all burst into laughter and head to the store ,I sat inside the cart while they pushed it ,holding on to the kegs I screamed with joy ,we arrived and began pouring liquor in a punch bowl and mixing it with punch we all dropped scoops of ice cream ,and kept pouring liquor "guys how are we gonna get drugs for the party ?" Schmidt asked we stopped pouring and burst into laughter again ,we entered the evidence lock up at the station and rummaged for drugs "got a pound of coke " Jenko said "dude we're trying to show them a good time not ruin their fucking lives " I said continuing to rummage "pound of marijuana ?" "best party ever " "boo yah " Jenko said we rushed back and began preparing everything from pouring potato chips in bowls to placing marijuana into the bowls and lastly placing the kegs outside ,we took a break and sat on the couch "to a brilliant idea from my brilliant brother and Valentine who I love so very much and this is going to fucking rock " we clink the shot cups and I down the liquor while Schmidt and Jenko spit it out , I was currently laying my head on Jenko's lap when we heard the door bell ring ,we get up and make our way to the door "who invited you guys ?" "I did the party's here ,what's up Zack ,hey buddy ,what's up Roman " Jenko greeted them by high fiving them ,soon after the guest began arriving ,I was dancing, when Jenko passed by I grabbed him and began dancing with him,he pulled me with him and we ended in front of Schmidt "whoa ,whoa what are you doing that's my mom's Kokopeli vase " "I got it ,I got it " " Doug ! Doug!" I heard Molly yell I approached Schmidt and Molly "Nikki !" "Hey Molly " I say hugging her "you guys know each other right ?" she says gesturing to Eric "yeah" I took a step towards Eric and hugged him and stepped back to Jenko and nodded in his chest while looking at Eric ,Molly and Schmidt ,he leaned back giving the guys the signal ,the guys crashed into Eric and Jenko pulled out his phone "did you guys even see Eric ?" Jenko yelled running up the stairs "seriously did you guys not see Eric ?!' I said following after them . "okay boys we did it come on " Jenko said when we entered the room "as fast as you possibly can,, CSI the shit out of this thing " I said sitting on the bed "are you guys drunk ?" Jenko asked Roman "no um " "have you guys ever been drunk before ?" I say taking the drink from Roman's hand "can we get some bitches up in here " "give me that ,no you can't get some bitches in here " Jenko said I snuck back down and noticed that Eric was about to leave I rushed back up "he's leaving like right now its now or never " " the SIM card is processing read the screen " "shit its a bust " Jenko said running his hand through his hair "ahh " we heard someone shout "did you hear that what was that ?" Jenko and I rushed down the stairs "Schmidt. Doug" Jenko said running the couple of steps we had left "what do I do ?" "hit him back " Jenko says a guy grabs him and Jenko slaps him and then two more follow him I jump one down and punch him in the stomach ,more guys come and me being a girl didn't stop them from hitting me ,one yanked at my hair and pulls me down I do my famous flip and trip and run off to the living room "fuck this " I see Schmidt grab the vase and break it on the guys head everyone stops "oh shit " "yeah " we all said Schmidt then turns around and we notice a knife on his back "oh shit when did I get stabbed, that's awesome " we all cheered ,I was standing behind Schmidt with everyone shouting "pull it out ,pull it out " I grabbed the blade and yanked it out and waved it around while everyone cheered "okay lets take the shots " he said after that painful experience . Jenko and I currently were dancing and doing body shots while Schmidt was with Molly and Eric somewhere "are you fucking kidding me !" we heard someone shout Jenko grabbed me and tossed me behind and ran out "wow that was an adrenaline rush " I say once he puts me down on the street "yeah ,come on " he says we run over to Schmidt and Eric "thank you guys for the party again " he says winking at me and turning away ,Jenko and I turn to face Schmidt "come on " he says and we make our way back to his house ,I was laying on Jenko's lap and my feet were propped up on Schmidt's knee's while we were getting scolded by Mrs. Schmidt "who draws a dick into a 8 year olds mouth ?!" I groaned "it looks more like an airplane " "you think I don't know its a fucking dick! " she said "from now on you will do chores around the house " "Not me I don't live here " I say holding my head "oh missy your so lucky you don't live here" she said walking off.

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