Chapter 1

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I walked out of the school bus alongside Schmidt "Are you excited for prom Schmidt ?" I asked cheerfully twirling in my lavender lace dress "Yes ,sort of and how about you miss cheerful ?" I stop twirling and smile "Matter of fact I am ,I'm asking Greg Jenko to the prom " he stops walking and grabs my arm ,making me turn around "You mean the school's jerk ?" I nod and continue to walk up the steps "What if he says no Val?" I look up at him and shrug "Oh well ,but come on Schmidt its our last year here ,shouldn't we strive to make it worth remembering ? "Yeah ,I guess so " "So ,who are you asking to the prom ?" he looks up at me with his blue eyes and smiles "Melodie " I stop mid step and wiggle my eyebrows "Ooh Melodie ,do you want me to be your wing woman or something ?" I ask opening my locker and fixing my caramel curls and taking off my glasses" Damn I can't see " I put them back "Sure I guess ,alright I'm gonna go do this " he says "That's the spirit " . He walks over to Melodie with a newfound confidence " Hey Melodie " "Oh hey " she replied clutching her books tightly "Look I know we've known each other for a really long time ,and that we live cross the street from each other and stuff, and ..well prom is four days away and I was wondering if ..." "Oh my god you're not asking me to prom are you ?" I looked at the floor hoping she didn't break my best friends heart "No I just ,you're probably going with someone else ..." "I'm sorry " she apologized seeing as some jocks were entertained by the scene ,and of course the ,the one I planned on asking to prom had to go and butt in "I can't really put this nicely ,you're a fucking nerd and she's well ..she's hot ,I mean look at her " Melodie nodded "Um well bye " Schmidt said walking out of the building ,I slammed the locker and walked over to Jenko "You have got some nerve you asshole " I say anger rushing in my veins "Awe look his little girlfriend is here to stand up for him " that was enough I grabbed him by the collar "I'm not his girlfriend ,you dick I was actually planning to ask you to prom but taken the past events go and fuck yourself " I say letting him go "You really think I would've gone with you ,your a fucking nerd " I turned around and marched right back and punched him "Yea a fucking nerd who just kicked your ass ,you dick " I walked out and found Schmidt sitting down by the benches "Hey you alright ?" I asked sitting on the floor next to him ,he slowly nodded "Hey don't worry I'll go to the prom with you ,you'll see we'll have fun ,get drunk " I said smiling ,he smiled "thanks Val " "What are friends for " I said kissing his cheek ,minutes later the front door of the school burst open and a dustbin got kicked over ,I looked to see who it was and noticed it was Jenko ,with tears in his eyes ,he noticed Schmidt and grabbed his backpack and stormed off into the parking lot .

Time Skip to prom

The music was blasting as I entered the ballroom ,I walked to the punch table and served myself "Val is that you ?" I heard Schmidt ,I turned around "Schmidt you made ,wow you look amazing " he blushed "thanks " I nodded "Punch?" I said showing him a cup ,he nodded I served him and we walked to the main floor ,where all the people where dancing ,everyone clapped when our pictures came on the screen , the music began again and we began dancing then somebody yelled "party at my house !" everyone screamed and clapped ,they all rushed through the door ,Schmidt and I ran behind . When we arrived at the person's house I shouted "Beer pong " everyone cheered and began gathering the items , Schmidt and I were teaming up against some chick and her boyfriend ,I threw the ball in the cup and all the people went wild "Drink it ,drink it !" they chanted ,I grabbed the cup and chugged the cup , the party continued until two ,I was very drunk , Schmidt had to take me to my house "Val ,do you have keys ?" I checked my purse and shook my head " Well I'll ring the doorbell " I nodded hanging on to his shoulder "I don't think they're home " "Of course they're never home ,come on let's go to a hotel " "Val my mom is waiting for me " I stopped walking and nodded "right okay ,you go on ahead I'll um get there somehow " "Valentine I can't leave you alone " "Schmidt you just said your mom is waiting for you I'd rather save you the stress " he shook his head "No I'll take you to the hotel and go back home " I nod and we begin walking to the hotel .I get checked in and arrive at the room "You sure you don't want to stay ?" "positive " I nod and kiss him on the cheek "Thank you " I walk inside and throw myself on the bed and dose off.

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