Chapter 5

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Jenko and Schmidt arrived by the drug dealers a little later then I did "Damn about time ,come on lets go " I said walking up to the men "gentlemen we having a little party ?" Schmidt asked "have we forgotten that the use of marijuana is illegal ?" Jenko asked ,the men " I have glaucoma " one said the rest started naming diseases that they supposedly had ,I grabbed the guys arm and took the joint out of his arm "then you won't mind if I search your bike now would you? I said stepping over to his bike "go ahead you won't find shit " Jenko moved over to the other side and snatched the joint from the other man "get up " "calmate gringo " he said "now are you two even cops? ,you two look like kids on Halloween " he said gesturing to Schmidt and Jenko " I know right hilarious ,so why don't you show us a little bit more respect " Schmidt said "fuck you pig " "hey ,you want me to beat your dick off ?" "you want to beat my dick off ?" I bit my tongue containing any sound from escaping "that's weird man " "why do you have salt in your..." "Jenko that's actual drugs ,alright everyone get down " in just mere seconds they were all scattered around ,Jenko and I split into action chasing after the dealers ,the adrenaline pumped through my veins I saw that Schmidt and I were chasing the same guy ,the guy was running fast Schmidt pulled out his gun "shoot him !" I yelled running faster "freeze ,freeze " I heard Schmidt yell "Fucking shoot him !" I spotted another one of the dealers and ran after that one, I reached the point where I launched myself at the guy taking him down "You are under arrest ,you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law ,you have the right to an attorney ,if you cannot afford one ,one will be appointed to you ,do you understand these rights as they have been read to you ?" he nodded his head and I walked over to Jenko and Schmidt " Val we got one " Jenko said picking me up and twirling me "I take it ,it went well boys " I say dragging the dealer behind me after he put me down ,they nod "Well I gotta take this one back to the station and congratulations to both of you " I said walking over to my police car and putting him in the back "Listen and listen well ,if you try anything to try and get out of this car my hand to god I will shoot you and say I acted in self defense got it ?" he stared at me and nodded . I was currently sitting on the desk doing paperwork when one of the officers called me "Valentine ,Hardy wants to see you in his office" I groaned and walked in "Chief you wanted to see me ?" I said ,I looked around and noticed that Jenko and Schmidt were there "Have a seat Hunter " "Oh no " I whispered grabbing a seat .

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