Chapter 6

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I was currently sitting criss- cross in a chair listening to Hardy " The department was forced to drop the charges on Jenko's arrest because you forgot to read him his Miranda rights " he said staring at Jenko and Schmidt "I did read him his rights ,I did a version of them " I face palmed and sunk into the chair "do you even know the Miranda rights " Hardy asked "yes" "let's hear them then " Jenko looked at Schmidt then at me "its four declamatory sentences, followed by a question a total of 57 words " I said hoping to jog his memory "well it starts ,you have the right to remain silent ,you've probably heard this before then um you have the right to remain an attorney " I face palmed again "wait ...did you just say you have the right to remain an attorney ?" asked Hardy "well you do have the right to be an attorney ..if you want " Schmidt said. "And what were you doing during all of this ?" asked Hardy gesturing to Schmidt "chasing down my perp " "aha and how did that go ?" "honestly ..he did get away and he threw me down actually kinda fucked up my elbow "Hardy looked somewhat concerned until he smacked his elbow "okay and how about you Ms. know it all " I rolled my eyes " I have the full report pending on the arrest ..douche bag " I said a bit quieter looking down "Hunter you know that's not what I mean we got a complaint from your perp that you threatened him and as it says here you played a round of Russian roulette " I felt Jenko's and Schmidt's eyes on me " um yea ,I may have threatened him but only to let him know I wasn't fucking around and letting him escape ,besides the point is I got the guy right ?,and I played a round of Russian roulette for information ,which might I add freaking worked " "Hmph , fortunately for you three we're reviving a canceled police program from the 80's and revamping it for modern times ,they look for immature cops like you two and since Ms. smart ass here is good at playing her little games of get them to spill the beans the commander personally chose her to join the program " I glared at him for calling me a smart ass but sat up straighter "are you gonna send us into some kind of child sex slavery ring or something ?" asked Jenko I turned away and bit my tongue to keep from laughing "sir if I have to suck somebody's dick I will ...I'd just prefer not to " Schmidt said making me burst into laughter ,Hardy turned to me "is something funny Hunter ?" I cleared my throat "Um no sir " "all three of you are officially transferred " ."Where should we report ?" Jenko asked "37 jump street ...wait that doesn't sound right oh yea 21 jump street " he said .

Time skip

I walked out of the police car and headed to where Jenko and Schmidt were and put my arms around them "this has to be a joke " Jenko said as we made our way up the stairs " Aroma of Christ church " I said looking at the sign "why would they choose a church ?" they shrugged and we continued . Minutes later a man showed up ,I was leaning on the benches while the rest of the people sat " get you motherfucking asses up when I'm talking to you !" he yelled making the rest of the people stand up "you will be going undercover as high school students ,the only reason your here is because you some Justin Bieber ,Miley Cyrus looking motherfuckers" " wait ...wait did he say high school ? " I said looking at Jenko and Schmidt .

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