Chapter 14

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We waited for the explosion but it never came ,the car kept swerving as Jenko drove "Huh? I really thought that one was going to explode " Schmidt said ,the biker approached us "Schmidt look in the glove compartment for something hurry up !" I yelled looking through the back window ,in just seconds I heard the window shatter we all screamed ,the biker had shot the window "fuck Schmidt look in the damn compartment !" this time he listened "the hell ?" he said pulling out a small gun (thank you lady) I thought as I was stirring in my seat due to Jenko's bad driving "shoot .shoot the gun !" Jenko yelled as Schmidt pointed the gun "I can't your gonna get shot man " he said resting his finger on the trigger "shoot " "shit " "Schmidt shoot " I had to take matters in to my own hand and leaned over and grabbed the gun while still in Schmidt's hand and pulled the trigger ,blowing up the piñata ,the guy then rolled off the bike and it hit the truck full of chickens ,and somehow this blew up "that's what exploded ,holy shit that was crazy?" "why'd you shoot for me Valentine ?!" he asked yelling "you weren't shooting you were choking so I had to save you " I said defensively " I was gonna shoot ,you always do this ,all the time !" "what ?!" I said looking at him "dude just take us back to school " he said turning away from me and looking at Jenko " Molly is gonna freak out and she's not gonna go to prom with me " "Schmidt you can't be serious -" "fuck ..,yes I'm serious!" . We arrived at the school's parking lot and Schmidt stormed out of the car walking away from us " I can't believe you guys made me late ,your so selfish " "we're selfish ,are you fucking kidding me look at yourself " Jenko said grabbing his arm " your in to deep man ,yesterday I found a college application " Jenko said making me look up at Schmidt surprised " I don't know how long this case is gonna fucking last and Eric's gonna get in to Burkley and honestly I can get in too ,who knows I can be a doctor or something " I stepped in "have you lost your fucking mind ,you screwed up this investigation ,Like Jenko said your in to deep Schmidt! " "wow ,my best friend turning her back on me your suppose to support me " " this isn't who we are Schmidt " "your right Valentine your just a back stabbing bitch of a bestfriend -.." I looked at him shocked "Valentine I-i'm" "no your right I'm a backstabbing bitch but you know what else when everyone backed out on you and said you couldn't do something I was always there ready to help so yup that's me a backstabbing bitch " I said walking away from him "Val wait " was the last thing I heard Schmidt say before driving off in my motorcycle ,hours later I received a call from Dickson ,I walked into his office and sat down "is -is that it your not gonna scream at us " Jenko said "nope Ima just fire you two and send her back to patrol duty " Dickson said ,I got up and walked out and packed my things ,with Schmidt and Jenko behind me and I honestly did not feel like talking to either of them ,but Jenko walked over to me "hey " he said "hey " I said quietly "I need you help to move things out from Schmidt's house " I shook my head " no sorry I don't wanna go near him " "please its just a few things " he said with a small smile "fine " I said returning it . The crickets chirped as we walked carrying out Jenko's stuff and loading it into his car "thanks " "no problem " Schmidt walked over to us I stood behind "moving out ?" he asked Jenko "yup, and you know what's crazy to me is that I actually thought we were brother's , I would've taken a bullet for you " Jenko said a car pulled up and in it was Eric Molson "get in now all three of you " "why should we ?" Jenko said pulling me behind "just get in the car man " Schmidt said "get in the fucking car !" Eric yelled (,wow a bit different now )"nope not til you ask nicely " Jenko said "please get in the car " Eric said gritting his teeth ,we stepped in and he drove us to a dark alley " come on ,come on you guys please some messed up shit went down yesterday yea after we made the exchange our business partners got followed by some fucking cops" "that's insane man are you serious ?" Schmidt said "I-I -I don't wanna go to jail do you know what happens to a handsome guy like me in jail it rhymes with grape ,it rhymes with grape " he said a bit quieter "but that's not gonna happen so I got these from my dad's gun cabinet " he said pulling out two guns "Eric ,Eric " Jenko and Schmidt said "Springfield 45's police issue very powerful guns you guys ever use one ?" "we're not really gun people " "A lot of things have made me wonder about you " he said pointing the gun at Jenko "your taste in music ,the fact that you look like a fucking 40 year old man and after that shit at the play I way you guy's could be cops" he said handing them the guns ,the other guy handed me a gun too "okay so I have a deal going down the suppliers going to be there I need people I can trust ,alright right here is where we are going to shoot some bottles for practice " he said turning to show us a little place set up with bottles ,I immediately started shooting not missing a single bottle along with Jenko and Schmidt "that- that was fucking awesome " Eric said "beginners luck " Schmidt said "alright the supplier wants the deal to go down at prom ,there's gonna be all these heavies there but as long as you guys got my back ...yea " he said fist bumping both of the guys and giving me a hug . We walked back to Schmidt's house "Valentine wait " Schmidt said making me turn around "yea?" "listen I wanted to apologize for what I said the other day " I looked at him and smiled "its fine Schmidt you were just blowing off steam ,now come on let's go get our jobs back " .

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