Chapter 9- What now?

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Hello! Ok so last chapter was a little baby plot twist. So heather cannot surf for 6 months! DUN DUN DUNNN! Ok anyways hopefully this chapter is enjoyable and you like it. Thanks for reading loveies! ~Margaret


Heathers POV:

I'm pretty sure 20 minutes ago Keaton told me he liked me. I'm also pretty sure that I said I liked him first. Either that or I just had a really cute hallucination. I do remember one thing. No surfing for 6 months. 6 months! I got a headache just thinking about it. Literally my head throbbed. I pushed the nurse call button and a young woman I hadn't seen yet walked in. "Hello Heather, how are you feeling?" She asked. "I have a terrible headache." I said wincing at the lights above me. "Ok ill go get some pain relief. Can I get you anything else?" She asked with a friendly smile. "No... Well actually tell my family that I need a little time alone my head kills it's hard to talk..." I said quietly. "Sure thing sweetie. My name is Amy by the way." She walked out of the room, dimming the lights behind her. It felt much better without spotlights shining right through your eyeballs. I closed my eyes and tried to get comfortable in the stiff sheets. I heard the door open once again and the same nurse came in to give me the medicine. She placed it on a tray next to me and left silently. I took the pills quickly and shut my eyes again, drifting into sleep.

When I woke up, I was in a different room. Still the hospital. But a different room. "Hello?" Someone called from the doorway. "Yes?" I answered groggily. "Hi hun!" The nurse Amy, exclaimed. "We moved you down the hallway since you were still in the operating rooms yesterday. " she said checking the monitors next to my bed. "You worked all night?" I asked surprised. She laughed a little. "Yes, my shift ends in an hour. Another nurse, Sarah if I remember, will take care of you." She said quickly. "Ok.." I said quietly. "Let me know if you need anything." She said walking out. I sat up in bed and looked at the tray next to me. My family must have dropped this stuff off. I saw my phone, laptop, four magazines, and my favorite book from the series, 'Pretty Little Liars', on the table. I picked up my phone quickly seeing as I had a ton of notifications. Most of them were texts from friends asking if I was ok. The others were Instagram. I checked and saw that Keaton had posted a picture of me sleeping , with the caption of "hope you feel better soon angel. Feel terrible about what happened @_heatherrr" . I smiled at his reference of 'angel'. Most of the comments were tagged at me asking if I was alright and wishing me better. I responded to a few and then called Cameron. "Hi!" He answered almost right away. "Hi! Thanks for dropping off the stuff." I said. "No problem... You want us to come visit? You up for it?" He asked. "Sure! That would be awesome I'm feeling much better." I responded. "Ok be there soon sis." He said and hung up. I put back my phone and grabbed my laptop, turning it on. I went on tumblr first, then twitter, and lastly pinterest. "Hello hello!" Said a familiar voice. "Hi mom!" I said cheerfully. My dad, Cameron, Anna, and Keaton followed in after her. Keaton gave me a huge grin when he walked in and I giggled quietly. "How are you feeling?" My dad asked. "Much better! I do get occasional headaches and of course this thing hurts." I said pointing to the gash in my neck. Cameron winced. "Glad your ok though." He said. "Me too." Anna said. I smiled at her. After the group visited for awhile, my parents left to go attend to business meetings. "We're gonna go get some food. Keaton do you want anything?" Anna asked. "Uh no I'm good thanks guys."he replied. "Ok" Anna smiled and walked out with Cameron. "So." I said after a few moments of silence. Keaton laughed lightly. "So?" He asked. "About yesterday..." I started, but was interrupted. "Yeah that did happen right?" He said making a joke and blushing. "Yes it did." I said laughing. There was silence in the room. "What now?" I asked on a more serious subject. "I say we start from the beginning." He says coming closer to the bed, and sitting down near my feet. "I say we pretend nothing happened." I thought it over in my head. It could work. I could fix all the things I wanted to. "Sounds fine to me." I said. "Great." He replied grinning. "Hi, I'm Keaton, and you are?"



Ok so sorry for the super short filler chapter I just needed to add this so that it wouldn't be a super long chapter next time. Hopefully this didnt suck and you liked it at least a little tiny bit. Ok well love you!


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