Chapter 5- Night Surfing

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A/N: it's snowing! Like really bad. It's the middle of blizzard Nemo and I'm bored a hek but whatevs I didn't have school today. So ya. I really liked the last chapter I thought it was cute. Ok so hopefully you like this one. Thanks for reading!!!


Heather's POV:

The rest of the day went by really fast. We went on a ton of different rides. For a big majority of the time it was just Keaton and I. Cameron and Anna broke off and did their own thing. I had a lot of fun hanging out with him. In the most friendly way. Nothing more than that though. I mean I like him. But I'm just...not ready. Not ready for a relationship. Relationships kinda scare me. Too many experiences that I don't feel like bringing back. Some of those memories still haunt me. They only happened last year. I like to forget about them though.

We were back at my house after the long day at Universal. It was around 6:30 and the sun was going to set soon. Anna and Keaton decided to come surfing with us tonight too. We all get ready as quick as possible and make our way to the beach.

The waves look great. They are big and clear. We are one of the only people here tonight. I start to wax my board along with Cameron. The sun is finally starting to lower in the bright blue sky. Keaton and Anna are already running towards the water. Cameron runs in shortly after them. I stand there staring at the water for a couple minutes, evaluating what I should be practicing. The big ball of fire in the sky was dropping quickly. "Come on!" I heard Keaton shout from the water. "I wanna see you rip these waves up!" He finished. I smiled unconsciously, and started to run towards the water with my board in hand. The second my feet touched the water the familiar sensation ran through me. The water was warmer than usual. Cameron was already paddling out to a wave in the distance. I finally bring myself to where Keaton and Anna are resting in the water. I watch as Anna squints her eyes slightly and leans her head forward. She always makes that face when she's concentrating. She drops her chest towards the board, and her blonde hair falls to her back. She starts to paddle out towards a small ripple in the distance. It's growing by the second. "I don't know Anna, that ones pretty big!" I say nervously. "Eh whatever... I got this." She shouts back. I laugh and watch as she pushes herself up, standing on the board as the water grows under her own feet. She flicks her board back going through her usual trick sequence. I scream and hollar when she swims out of the wave gracefully. She swims back to where we have all met back. High fives were given all around. I see a wave coming up fast. "That ones all yours Heather." Keaton says with a wink. My cheeks grow red as I swim out towards the enlarging ripple of water. When I balance myself out, I can feel the water vibrating underneath the board. I do a few new tricks I learned and successfully drop out of the wave. I hear cheers from the group. I smile and paddle back out towards them. "That was nasty Heather. Job well done." Keaton says clapping foolishly. I laugh and whack him playfully. He joins in with the small laughter. When we all are settled on the water, I look up at the sunset sky. The vivid colors dashed out under the sun. Pink, and orange, and red, and yellow filled the sky, reflecting onto the water. "It's pretty..." I say staring into the rainbow of colors in the sky. The others agree. "Ok... Well Keaton, you're the only one who hasn't caught a wave yet." Cameron says. He laughs and spots one. He paddles out and goes through a couple tricks himself. He's pretty good. Actually he's good enough to compete in our division. I'm impressed. We surf for another hour and a half or so. When it starts to get too dark we decide to call it quits for the night. We all walk back to the house together.

"Yo Keaton!" Cameron shouts from the kitchen. "Yes..." He responds. "Do you wanna borrow some clothes or..." Cameron asks. "Ya whatever." Keaton responds calmly. I laugh for some reason. "What?" Keaton asks. "Nothing" I say through a fit of giggles. "What?!" He says more anxiously. "Nothing! Seriously I don't know why I'm laughing." I start to laugh harder when I notice how stupid I sound. I eventually fall to the ground squirming in hysterics. I don't know what I found so funny about their conversation but it was apparently hilarious. Anna walks in wearing a pair of my sweatpants and a shirt I had forgot to give her back like forever ago. "Umm Heather?" She asks nervously. I finally pull myself together, and take a deep breath wiping the tears from my eyes. "Ok I'm good..." I say with a grin trying to hold back the laughs. "Alright then..." Anna says with a laugh. I stand up, and hook my arm through hers. "We have catching up to do missy!" I say pulling her towards the stairs with me. The boys laugh as we make our way up the stairs. When we get into my room we both smile at each other because we know exactly what we are going to talk about. We plop ourselves onto my bed and laugh because we can tell that we are both so excited. "Ok...soooooo... How's Cameron?" I say starting. "He's good...really good. He so kind and sweet to me." she says blushing. "Aww... I can't believe my brother is dating someone so normal and pretty." I saw with a laugh. She playfully whacks my arm and giggles. "So what's going on with Keaton and you?" She says raising her eyebrows. "Nothing...we're just close." I say with a smile. "Mmm it doesn't seem that way." She looks at me with a pleading look in her eyes. "Ok well i like a lot it's just that I'm not ready to be in a relationship..." I say trailing off. "Oh... I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..." She says rubbing my back. "No it's fine... I know Keaton's not like that...I just am not so sure I'm ready in general ya know?" I say finally looking back up at her. "Yeah... I totally understand." She says with a reassuring smile. "He was totally checking you out today though." She says switching to a more happy conversation. I giggle and feel my cheeks get pink. "When?" "Like every second!" She shouts with a laugh. "You should have seen the look on his face when you were laughing. It looked like he just wanted to make out with you on the spot!" She says with another laugh. I laugh too. "Ok well that's good to know..." I say sarcastically. She laughs as I get off the bed to go change my clothes. I decided on wearing a pair if skinny Abercrombie sweats, and a loose white tank top. We walk down the stairs together and do our traditional run and jump onto the large brown couch in my family room. The boys follow in from the kitchen shortly after. Anna and I had spread out on the couch leaving no room for them. We grin successfully at each other. They exchanged looks and jump on us. "Ow! Keaton get off your too heavy!" I shout as Keaton sits on my legs. "Do...did you just hear something?" Keaton asks Cameron sarcastically. "GET OFF!" Anna screams. "Mmm nope." Cameron responds to Keaton. They laugh and spread out themselves, still on top of us. "Ugggh..." I groan from underneath him. He looks down at me and smiles. "Don't be such a wimp." "I'm not a wimp...your heavy!" I say laughing. "Will you please get off..." I say flirtatiously, even though it ended up sounding awkward,trying to persuade him. "As hard as that is to can do little one." He says. I moan and try to find a comfortable position under him. And that's how we spent the rest of the night. Watching tv in a pig pile on the couch.



Sorry this chapter was boring. It was kinda a filler. So ya. I finally updated my other story so that's good. Hope you like this part. Thanks for reading. LOVE YA! <3 -Margaret

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