Chapter 7- Blackout

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Heathers POV:

A rush of adrenaline surged through my body as I got closer to the huge wave. I finally balanced myself on the rise of water and pushed myself up. I was standing up straight and everything was going fine. I heard shouts and screams from the shore. My eyes started to well with tears again. My vision blurred. The water was soon toppling onto my sides. I couldn't find my way out. The weight of the salt water pushed against my legs until my knees buckled and I fell to my board, sent under water immediately. I was sent into a tumbling motion and my head fortunately found its way to oxygen. Before I could open my eyes again, my head jerked back and I was hit with a hard object. The last thing I heard was Keaton calling my name.

Keaton's POV:

I watched as her head sunk back into the water. Her body motionless. I instantly grabbed my board, and ran towards the water. Cameron followed me out, and Anna called an ambulance. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes. I didn't let them. I had to stay strong, and save Heather. "I got her!" Cameron shouted as we reached the general area of where she had sunk. I helped Cameron pull her onto his board. The back of her head was bloody, and her body was limp. She flumped on the board with no movement what-so-ever. Guilt had started to flood in over me. Whatever I had said had made her so uncomfortable and was the reason she went after that wave. I just wanted to tell her how I felt. I had obviously broken down a wall that wasn't meant for me to break. There was a certain look in her eyes that showed fear when I touched her. I was dragged out of my thoughts when I heard sirens getting near. Cameron and I had just made it to shore when the ambulance pulled in towards the beach. Anna was a complete mess. She couldn't even look at Heather as we pulled her off the surf board. She ran over to the tall man driving the ambulance to tell him what had happened. I watched as the paramedics took her from Cameron and I and started to push her into the truck. "Unfortunately, we cannot fit any guests in the back, so you're going to need to follow us to the hospital. Sorry for the inconvenience." The tall man talking to Anna said quickly. "My name is Tom and I'm in ambulance 42... Tell the secretary that when you arrive. She will tell you where we are." He said with a faint smile and got into the truck. We didn't know what to say. We watched as the truck drove off and we all ran back to the house after. I grabbed my keys from inside and got into the car. Anna and Cameron got into the back together as they tried to comfort each other. Tears brimmed my eyes as I sped towards the hospital. We made it there in record time. We got there just as the back doors of Heather's ambulance opened. I gasped as I saw her condition completely. Her body was pale, and she had a large gash on her neck. Her hair was coated in blood. A breathing machine was covering her mouth as they pushed her gurney into the emergency room. I hadn't even realized that I was running, until I found myself in the main lobby of the hospital. Anna and Cameron following behind me. Cameron finally caught a glimpse of her and had the same reaction. He rushed towards her and the nurses surrounding. One of them stepped back towards him and gently held his shoulders. "I'm sorry, I unfortunately can't let you in the room with her. They have some business to do that can be disturbing for friends and family to watch. It's protocol." She looked upset having to give us the news. Anna and I stood just behind Cameron. My shoulders slumped realizing that I had to wait. "Can I ask you a few questions about what happened?" She asked politely. He nodded, and followed her over to a waiting area. It was empty in the room. I took a seat and Cameron sat next to me, with Anna following next to him. She sat down on a table full of magazines, and slumped over to ask us a few questions. "First off, I'm Cheryl, I'm a registered nurse here in the emergency room. What are your names, and how do you know Heather?" She asked pulling out a clipboard. "Well I'm Cameron... Her twin brother." He said, his voice hoarse and raspy. "I'm Anna... Her friend." Her voice barely audible as she spoke. "I uh...I'm Keaton. Her friend." I badly wanted to say boyfriend... But I couldn't think of what I wanted right now. "So what exactly happened?" Cheryl asked looking in my direction, seeing as though I was the most put together at the moment. "Well we were surfing. And she's really good.. I mean she's amazing... And uh she went after this huge wave.." My voice started to crack. "She just kinda couldn't stay on top of it, and fell. From there it looked like she hit her head on her board, and blacked out."


So????? What'd ya think?!? Ehh? I know it's not great but I'm trying. Some emotional/cute stuff soon to come! Thanks for reading! Hope u liked it!!!

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