Chapter 3- Singing to you

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I'm sorry I've been too excited to get to the main part of this story, that I just want to update all the time! Ok I probably won't post this right after I write it because I'm going skiing this weekend. My mom is picking me up from school early (YAY!) and then we are gonna be skiing like all weekend. So I might be bored and post this by like Sunday or Saturday. Ok so I hope you enjoy! <3


Heather's POV:

Keaton and I have been texting. We have become pretty close friends actually. We have a lot in common, but not to the point where we aren't different. He is so kind and you can tell he's just an awesome person. I think that he would like to know me in a "more than friends" way. I wouldn't mind knowing him that way either.

"Heather?! I'm going down to the beach now!" Cameron shouts from downstairs. "Ok! Meet you there!" Competition was in 4 weeks! We had to get as much practice as possible. I slipped my surf shorts on over my bikini bottoms, and ran downstairs.

"Nice one!" Cameron shouted after I ripped up a perfect wave. I smiled to myself, and paddled out to another one. I was having a good day. I caught every wave that got it my way. Cameron did pretty well too. After about 3 hours of practice, I decided that I was done for the day. I paddled out to shore, and saw a familiar figure standing in the sand. I ran out to him, and he gave me a friendly hug. "Hey Keaton." I said with a huge smile on my face. "You looked awesome out there!" He said impressed. I giggled. "Thanks." "So what are you up to today?" He asked, glancing at my wet body quickly, then staring back into my eyes. "Nothing that I know of." I respond. "Would you want to hang out with me?" He asks with a flirty smile. I can't help but smile back. "Sure." "Great! I have something fun planned!" He says wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "And what would that be?" I ask as we start walking in the direction of my house. "I can't say..." He says mysteriously. I laugh, and he shortly joins in. "Please! Tell me!" I beg. "Nope, it's a surprise!" He says with a wink. I blush and look down smiling.

When we get back to my house, my parents aren't home. That's weird. They were here when we left, and they didnt say that we're going anywhere. I find a note on the kitchen island and read it. "Brandon had an emergency meeting with a company he wants to work for, he wanted us with him. We won't be back until next Saturday. Take care of yourselves, and call us! No parties!:) - Mom and Dad" I put the note back on the granite surface, and tell Cameron where they are. He grins deviously. "They said no parties!" I say with a laugh. He rolls his eyes, and joins Keaton on the couch. "So Keaton, what time will this surprise be at?" I ask with a smile. "4:00 o'clock." He says returning a grin. I blush slightly, and quickly turn around, heading upstairs to get ready. "Oh! And Heather?" He says before I reach the stairs. "Just dress casually." He says with another flirty wink. "Got it." I say with a smile. I run upstairs, and into the shower.

Once I'm done showering, I check my phone for the time. 3:00. Great. I only have an hour to get ready. I can hear Keaton and Cameron laughing downstairs. I smile to myself. His laugh is so cute. I walk to my closet to pick out an outfit. He said causal, but my outfit has to be perfect. I decide to wear a form fitting grey tee shirt and a pair of distressed, dipdyed, high waisted shorts. I tucked my shirt into my shorts and slipped on my teal vans,then walked back into the bathroom. I dried my long hair, and simply put it in a half up, half down style. Before I walked downstairs, i sprayed myself with perfume, and grabbed my iphone, and wallet. I luckliy still had 15 minutes to spare.

"Well don't you look nice." Keaton said as I walked into the family room. I smiled and sat down on the couch next to him. Cameron laughed at us. "Oh shut up!" I said with a giggle. Cameron's phone rang before he could respond. When he saw that Anna was calling him, he stood up quickly, answering the phone, and leaving the room. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Well, we can go now.." Keaton said breaking the silence. "Ok..." We both stood up, and walked to the door. "Bye Cam!" I shouted, closing the door behind me quickly.

We finally arrived at a building that I've never been to before. It took us about an hour to get here. I stared at Keaton with a confused expression as he parked the car. He laughed, and jumped out of the car quickly. He ran to the other side, and opened my door. "Ok, Keaton what is this?" I ask staring at the building. It was a small place, but still big enough to be mysterious. "I can't tell you!" He said with a smile. "Keaton!" a voice yelled from across the parking lot. We both turned to see a tall boy with brown hair, that kinda looked like Keaton, and a boy with blonde hair, that was around the same height as the other. "Do you know them?" I asked confused, yet again. He laughed. "yeah, thats my brother and my other like adopted brother in a way." he said nodding towards them. "Oh..." I said laughing at myself. They started to walk over towards us. "Heather, this is Wes, and Drew." Keaton said introducing me to them. "Hi." I said with a smile in the other boys' directions. Wes and Drew looked at eachother, and grinned at Keaton. "Who's this? Your girlfriend?" Wes asked, teasing Keaton. "No! We're just friends." He replied. I blushed, and looked down smiling. "mmmmhmmmm..." Drew said. Keaton playfully punched him, and put his arm around me. I finally looked back up and laughed as Keaton started to guide me inside the mystery building.

"Woah!" I said as I got inside. I looked around. There was a stage, and a bunch of seats set up. I looked at Keaton and grinned. "Is this like for..Your concert?" i asked. "Yup!" he responded anxiously. "It's our first live performance tonight." He said looking a little nervous. "Your going to do great." I said rubbing his arm. I backed away a little bit after I realized how close i was to him. We both laughed, noticing the same thing. He looked down the same time I did. I could feel my face starting to burn up.

"Alright! So this next song is a solo for my little bro Keaton!" Wes shouted from the stage. Keaton got me a front row seat, dead center. They sounded great. Keaton sat down on a stool in the middle of the stage, pulling the microphone down to his level. He looked up at me. I smiled and gave him a subtle thumbs up. He grinned, and the music started to play. He was singing an original song. It sounded like they had wrote it themselves. Or maybe he wrote it. It was beautiful. And the best part was, he was looking at me the whole time. I felt like screaming of joy, crying, jumping up and down, and kissing him all at the same time. Well this is strange.

"Oh my gosh! Keaton! That was awesome!" I exclaimed after the concert. I embraced him in a slightly-more-than-just-friendly hug. I held him there for a good 30 seconds. I pulled apart, still holding his arms. "I mean seriously, that was amazing!" He laughed and smiled. "I'm glad you liked it." "And your solo, was like perfect. Did you guys write that song?" I asked. He looked down shyly. "I wrote that song, it's uh, it was about you." He said. I nearly cried. That was like the cutest thing ever. The lyrics stared to flow back into my head. 'And your beautiful, in every way, I'd say, I wanna be with you, forever and always' The feelings started to roll through my body. I couldn't contain myself. I finally leaned forward and planted my lips on his cheek. "Thank you." I said quietly. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, and we walked out of the building, together.



Ok I really liked this chapter! So now that things are kind of in perspective, you might start thinking. But things don't always go according to plan, cause ya know, life isn't perfect like that. Also I completely made up those song lyrics. So if you know a song like that, I wasn't copying them. ALSO! In this story Emblem3 isn't going to be in xfactor. They just kinda do their own thing. So ya... Anyways! I apologize cause in my first A/N I said this would be posted on Sunday..but it's Tuesday. I wrote a lot yesterday though because I stayed home from school sick. Ok well thanks for reading! Love youuuuuu! <3 -Margaret

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