Chapter 2- getting to know you

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So I literally just posted the first chapter yesterday but I've been so anxious to write this story that I couldn't help it. I have so many things planned for this story. Ahh I'm so excited! Sorry ok, enjoy! Thanks for reading <3 -Margaret


Cameron's POV

Last week I kissed Anna. I kissed her! That has been the only thing on my mind. SHE has been the only thing on my mind. We have hung out a few times this week, but not as much as I wish we could. Heather and I have been mad crazy practicing for a surf competition that takes place next month. We took time out for our birthday and the day after, but it's back to business. Sometimes I'm jealous of Heather actually. She's an awesome surfer. And not to say that I'm not, but I'm a little behind compared to the others in my age division. Heather almost always wins first. I usually get 3rd or 4th sometimes 5th and I'm proud of myself for that but, I just hope I rank first this time. I've worked so hard. Both of us have.

My thoughts were interrupted by a call from Keaton. "Sup man." I answer. "Hey dude, uh what are you doing today?" He asks. "Nothing much, I just got back from surfing, practice is all good for today." I respond. "Awesome, would you wanna do something?"

"Yeah man! Come over my place in an hour?" "Sounds good, bye" he hangs up after. Keaton and I have been friends for awhile. He used to surf with me a lot before. We just started getting close again. I think he has a thing for Heather though. I mean I guess that's ok, because I'm basically dating Heathers best friend. Ill have to ask, but I'm pretty sure Heather's into Keaton too. That could be a good couple.

Speaking of the devil, Heather comes angrily stomping in through the glass doors of our family room. "Ughhhh..." She grunts as she throws her damp towel on the floor. "Bad day?" I ask as I sit down on one of the stools in our kitchen. (Our family room and kitchen is like one big open space) "I literally didn't get a single wave! Not one! I had to practice paddling the whole time!" She shouts obviously frustrated with herself. I can't help but laugh a little to myself. "This isn't funny Cameron!" She says and runs up the stairs. I hear the bathroom door slam, and I know I'm all clear. I bust up laughing. She's been this way forever. She always goes so hard on herself. The ocean is in her blood, I swear. There is no other place she'd rather be than the ocean. All. The. Time.

Heather's POV

I was done taking my long shower. I had to get my mind off practice for a while. This is the time when it gets stressful. When you know that if your not solid now, you might as well forget about placing in the competition. I have practiced for over 3 hours every single day since my birthday. The day after, Cameron took off because he was too tired. I didn't. I practiced for only an hour that day. But it still counts. I shuffled into my room, towel wrapped around my wet body. I didn't feel like doing anything today, so I put on a bandeu, a loose, cropped tank top, and a pair of dark washed shorts. My hair was still soaking wet, but who did I have to impress today? I wandered downstairs, and into the kitchen. "Hey Heather." I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I turned around, coming face to face with Keaton. Embarrassed by my appearance, I quickly shuffled my wet hair around. "Hey Keaton.." I said with a faint smile. Cameron pulled Keaton away to show him something on tv. Thank goodness. I could tell that was headed straight to awkward city. I don't know why but whenever we talked, it was just...awkward. I don't think it's him, well maybe it's him, but I think it's because ,we barely know each other. I guess I wouldn't mind getting to know him. At least it wouldn't be super uncomfortable every time we talked. I grabbed a water from the fridge, and went out to the deck,grabbing my phone on the way. I had a ton of new messages from Anna, and other people I don't really care about. I answer Anna's and decide not to respond to the others. "Heath bar?!" I heard Cameron shout. I hated it when he called me that. But he only called me that when he wanted something from me. "What do you want Cameron?" I asked shouting through the open door. "Will you come with us to in and out burger?" He asked with a pouty face. "Why do I have to come with you guys?" I asked. Cameron winked. "You know you want to..." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Ill come, but don't expect me to get anything. Not after today's runs..." I said standing up from the outdoor table. "Dude, you gotta chill, you'll be fine!" Cameron said. I have him an evil glare, and walked back inside.

Keaton drove us there. Cameron sat in the front and I sat in the back. I just looked through my phone the whole time, because their conversation didn't include me. We finally arrived at our destination. I usually would get something here, but not during training. That was a definite no no for me. I second guessed going inside because I always got tempted. I opened the car door, and shut it behind me.

"So, how's life Heather?" Keaton said as we sat down waiting for our food. (A/N: I've never been to an in and out burger so idk if they have seating or not but I'm just gonna pretend they do) "Its uh...good, I guess." I said shyly. He smiled to himself, and looked down. "ORDER 15267!" Shouted an angry woman over the speaker. Cameron got up to get the food, and winked at us. I rolled my eyes and blushed. Gosh Heather. Pull yourself together. Remember, you just met him. I took a deep breath and looked back up at him. We both started to say something at the same time. We laughed quickly, before Keaton said "you can go.." "Oh.. Um I was just wondering, where do you go to school?" I asked. "I'm home schooled, me, my brother, and our friend, who's practically our other brother are in a band. We are trying to get some gigs, get out there ya know." He said. "Oh wow, that's cool! I'd love to hear you play sometime." I said, slightly flirtatiously, why not? He smiled, and I watched as his cheeks grew pink. I smiled to myself. Job well done Heather. You must have some pretty good flirting skills. "Yeah, definatley, we have a gig soon so..your welcome to come." I smiled and looked up as we were distracted by Cameron. "Uh, yeah so Anna just walked in..I'm gonna go chill with her." He said anxiously. "Why can't she just sit with us?" I asked. "Well uh, you guys are hitting it off over here.." He said with a wink for extra effect. "Plus I kinda want some alone time with her." He finished. I laughed and shooed him off to go hang out with Anna. He gave Keaton his food, and hurried off. And that's when the awkwardness stopped. We talked for a pretty long time. I knew him way more, and he knew me way better too. Now I can actually allow myself to like him. He was nice, and kind, and caring. I could tell he was a really driven person, and he knew exactly what he wanted to do things and how. I love when people are like that, because I'm like that. "So, now that I know more about you, would you consider going on a date with me?" He asked with a smile. I giggled, and felt my whole face heat up. "Sure.." He returned the smile. Cameron was standing up on the other side of the place, waving us over to leave. It looks like Anna was just about to go. She waved to me and scurried out. "Well, it was nice getting to know you." I said. "You too." He smiled, and we stood up, walking out the door.



Ok so I'm sorry that this chapter ended in an awkward spot, but I didn't really want to drag it on any further. This chapter was a filler, things are going to get better, PINKY PROMISE! Ok that's it. Thanks for reading. Love you! <3 ~Margaret

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