Chapter 6- sleepover

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Hello! I haven't updated in a little so hopefully everyone is excited for this chapter. Idk how this chapter will play out because it's another filler like one since big things are coming! It's exciting... Heheheh ok well thanks for reading beauties! Love ya! MWAH! 💋


Keaton's POV:

I woke up on the floor of Cameron and Heathers family room. I was gripping a pillow from the couch and cuddled up in a ball on the soft rug. I rolled onto my back so I could get a better view of the scene. I saw Cameron next to me closer to the couch. On the couch was Anna and Heather. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Heather silently breathing and hugging a blanket. I wanted so badly to go give her a kiss on the cheek to wake her up and say "good morning beautiful" and it would be normal. Except I can't. We are friends. She's even told me that. I've been friend-zoned. I don't understand her though. The night of our concert she kissed me on the cheek. She made the first move towards a relationship. But now whenever I'm slightly flirty with her she gets all uncomfortable. Or at least thats what it seems like. It's almost as if she's hiding something. I wish I could know.

I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and started to scroll through twitter since everyone was still sleeping. A few minutes had passed before the next person awoke. "Good morning.." A sleepy whisper spoke from the couch. I turned to see Heather smiling lazily. I chuckled and smiled back. "Morning." "How did you sleep down there?" She said with a confused look on her face. "Fine... What's the face for?" I asked with another short laugh. "Why didnt you just sleep up here?" She said gesturing next to her. A red blush crept up onto my face. "I don't really remember falling asleep so..." I said. There it is again. She's acting as if we have a thing and it would be ok for me to sleep next to her on a small couch. Just to play along with her flirty idea, I said, "I mean I'm sure things would've been more comfortable with you..." I said with a smile. "Hah... Ya..." She said awkwardly with a laugh. Yup still confusing... She sat herself up and looked around the room. I watched as she crawled on top of Anna and poked her cheeks several times. I laughed quietly keeping in mind that Cameron was still asleep next to me. Anna twitched and moaned as Heather continued to play with her face. I held in a laugh as Heather giggled. Anna moved her legs and rolled over. Heather quickly shot back to her original spot on the couch. I was reminded that I had pinned her down in that exact spot just last night. I remember how nice it was to see her so close. Her eyes were an even prettier shade of green up close. I wish she would see me for more than just Keaton. Maybe like the cute boy Keaton, or the boy I like Keaton, or my boyfriend Keaton. I mean that's what I would like. Unfortunately that won't happen though. I don't think it ever will. I look at her with pleading eyes as she laughs at Anna who is rummaging around the couch. She was so beautiful in every way. I almost couldn't take it anymore. Tonight, tonight I will make my move.

Heathers POV:

"You're finally up!" I shouted as Cameron slowly sat up. Anna giggled and slid off the couch to go sit with him. I rolled my eyes when she kissed him and he pulled her in closer. "Please keep it PG... I only woke up 30 minutes ago." I said laughing. The others laughed along as well. "Alright... I'm not wasting anytime. I'm getting ready for the beach see y'all later!" I said when the room got quiet. I quickly stood up from the couch and ran upstairs. I threw on my pink Bikini and a black rash shirt. I ran downstairs ignoring the group that had moved to the kitchen, through the garage, grabbed my board, and ran across the street to the beach entrance. I heard Cameron tell to me through the glass doors of the house, "your gonna want breakfast!" I waved my hand at him without looking back. I finally reached the sand and began to wax my board. The surf was awesome. Big waves rolling through. I needed this kind of practice. I looked around to see very few people on the beach this morning. There never is at this time of day, and that's why I loved coming when I first wake up. I attached the black strap to my ankle, and started towards the water. My first duck dive goes smooth and I quickly spot a wave coming near. I paddle towards it quickly and when the water finally breaks I stand up and balance myself on the board. I flick the board to the side going through a different trick sequence. When the wave does down, I find a perfect spot to swim out of. My first wave went well, and the others took along after that.

About 3 hours had passed before the group finally arrived on the sand. I laughed to myself. They definitely weren't morning people. "Well it couldn't have taken you guys any longer!" I shouted from the water. "Yeah, yeah... Get out here." Cameron yelled. I started to paddling to shore, and picked up my board placing it in the sand near the water line. "Yes..." I asked Cameron. "Mom and dad are on the phone they wanna talk to you.." I smiled and grabbed the phone from Cameron's hand. "Hi mom, hi dad." "Hi sweetie!" My mom replied kindly. "Just checking in on's the house? Cameron didnt have any parties right?" "Yes mom...the house is fine." I said with a laugh.

The rest of the call kind of went like my mom asking questions and me responding "yes, mmhmm, ya, I know, ok mom..." She finally hung up, and I tossed Cameron back his phone. Keaton smiled and gestured for me to follow him when we caught eye contact. I happily skipped towards the direction he was walking in. "Did you need something?" I asked as we walked farther down the beach. "Well um... Not exactly." He said as a pink shade crept onto his face. A grin pulled on the corners of my mouth as he awkwardly stroked his hair. "I... Uh needed to ask you something actually." He said anxiously. He stopped short, and stepped in front of me. His hand lightly stroked my sides. I was hit with a bad case of memories as his hands touched the sensitive skin on my hips. Shivers took over my body, and I was sent into a state of shock. "Heather?" Keaton asked quietly. "Are you ok? You look pale?" He said nervously examining my face. Terrible flashbacks took over my mind. I couldn't find a way to talk, and I finally started to cry. "Uhh it's just that..sorry..." I started but wasn't able to continue. I quickly ran back to my surf board and ran as fast as I could into the water. I wiped the salty tears from my cheeks and closed my eyes for a second to try and vanish the thoughts of my past. I didn't look back once at the confused group of people on the shore watching me. When I spotted a giant wave creeping towards me I took the opportunity. "Don't ride it Heather! You know what happened last time!" Cameron shouted from the water. I sniffled and wiped away the last of my tears. "Whatever." I muttered even though I know it was impossible for them to hear me. I sank my hands into the water and paddled towards the giant wave coming my way.

Undetermined feelings (A Keaton Stromberg fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now