Part 4

477 26 12

Koichi P.O.V

Stripping off his clothes quicker than he can play a guitar solo, MiA managed to reveal his naked body for everyone to see, without hesitation.

"Anyone got a towel?" His voice called out, directed at everyone. If I didn't disappear now, I was either going to turn bright red, or gain an obvious erection. Or both.

I scuttled away to a little room we used for storage, almost tripping over my own huge feet as I moved, trying to be useful to him. Yes, I've been rejected by him multiple times, but I would never ever give up. Not on MiA. Meeting a variety of plastic bags and sports bags stuffed full with a multitude of various towels, equipment, makeup and clothes, I rifled through them, tugging out various towels and holding them up to see which looked the most suitable for the man.

"Koichi, I'm freezing!" MiA called out to me with frustration, before another person entered the room, flicking on the light. MiA? My heart skipped a beat as I imagined a handsome naked MiA-san stood behind me, waiting for me to dry him off.

"M-" my voice was cut off as the other voice in the room spoke.

"Here, Koichi, give me one of those and I'll give it to him. He'll never get one if you take this long to choose!" Tsuzuku smiled down at me in a friendly manor, stretching out his hand for a towel. Meanwhile, my heart sank at the sound of the vocalist's voice, and I regrettably handed him a towel, forcing out a laugh to humour him. He smiled once more before exiting the room,


Meto P.O.V

Tsuzuku emerged from the storage room, smiling, before throwing a large white towel in MiA's direction. Straight after, Ito gathered MiA's guitar and hauled it down the hall to the right hand side of the entrance, into another room at the end - the dressing room - shortly followed by Tsuzuku, and then Koichi, probably hoping to get a sneak peek at MiA removing his clothing. I was left alone with Ruana. And a few makeup artists who were stood talking near the window, smoking some unusual cigarettes and not really paying any attention to anything else.

I picked up Ruana by the waist, before setting her down on the table in front of me, then I took a seat at the table and spun her round, her plush legs dangling off the surface as she stared at me. I stroked her short and rather rough fur, adjusted the button on her eye and made her arms wave at me once or twice. Then I sighed. Chattering and laughter sounded from the dressing room, and murmuring voices of stylists came from behind me. But what caught my attention the most, was a buzzing sound. A vibration coming from an object on the table. Mia's phone lay next to his keys, carelessly thrown there in his earlier haste. The screen repeatedly illuminating to display new messages, probably from fans or friends of our guitarist.

After looking round innocently, to make sure nobody was watching me, I reached past my stuffed companion to grasp the mobile device, switching it on to view messages that had appeared from twitter:

@TERUofficial: You're really going to believe MiA-san?

Instantly becoming curious, I tapped in the password for MiA's phone, (I knew it easily because I would often glance over his shoulder to watch what he did on his phone each day), and I opened twitter. Then, my eyes fell upon a mass of messages, all commenting on Koichi's photo. Teru, Hizaki, Koichi, MiA... all arguing about relationships, completely pathetic behaviour in front of the fans. I scrolled through the conversation, reading about how MiA and Koichi look good together, and how Teru thought they should become a couple, and then the latest unseen messages were:

@TERUofficial: I don't see why MiA won't make a move...

@HIZAKIofficial: Such a busy man... perhaps he doesn't have time for a lover..

I was becoming extremely tempted to ruin MiA's day by contributing to the conversation while pretending to be him...

@TERUofficial: That's nonsense... everyone has time for a lover...

@HIZAKIofficial: I don't...

@TERUofficial: You're breaking my heart, you know?

@HIZAKIofficial: Oh so you do have a thing for me?! >www<

Then the conversation had stopped with Hizaki's last comment, exactly 33 minutes ago. I chuckled to myself, pulling Ruana to it on my lap to gaze at the two idiots with me. I had to type something. MiA wouldn't mind...


I stopped to think. I wanted to help Koichi. How?

@MiA_mejibray: You both sound so sure of my feelings...

Without thinking about sensible options, I hit the 'reply' button. Within minutes, I was responded to:

@HIZAKIofficial: Oh?! Then how come you haven't acted on them?

I was starting to have a lot of fun with this.

@MiA_mejibray: I was just waiting for the right time to come, of course!

I sounded too upbeat to be MiA, and I was sure they'd realise it wasn't the guitarist they were talking to.

"Meto-kun?" I was snapped out of my fun when a voice called my name - it was the owner of the phone I was holding. Hurriedly, I stuffed the device into my pocket, before gazing up at the taller man, smiling.

"Maybe you should come and try your outfit on now? We need to start filming soon."

MiA had already managed to shower wash his hair and wrap his lower half in a towel within that short space of time. I nodded, and he turned on his heels before walking away again. Almost caught.

Closing twitter and discreetly sliding the mobile phone onto the table again, I carried Ruana with me towards the dressing room, excited to see the outcome of what I had done soon.


*throws fillers at you all* THIS IS THE LAST FILLER NOW HUAHUAHUA now the action will begin. Sorry for not updating for almost 2 weeks - school has been keeping me busy and now i'm not feeling well oh dear xD **DONT FORGET* YOU can contribute to the mejibray imagines/oneshots!! Please please check them out!!** Also, please leave a vote! then a comment! and give me a follow if you're having a generous day :D - EmS! xxthanks

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