Seeing Things...

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-------------------------------------Time Skip. Meg's POV-------------------------

    "Hmm..." I frown, wiping blood of the knife. 

    "What's up?" Toby glances at me. "You seem stressed."

    "Nothing. Just..." I look at the last house. "Am I... Am I evil?"

    He stares at me for a second. Then he laughs and says no.

    "Of course not." He shakes his head. "Come on. One last house. Then we're done."

     We walk up to the door and turn the handle. It's unlocked. The door opens slightly and we glance at each other. I shrug and look inside. A pitch-black living room is all we can see from where we are. I sigh and take a step inside the house. 

    "Why was it unlocked?" He whispers to me. I shrug and he turns to the kitchen. "Well, I'll go this way..."

     I walk into the living room and gasp. The TV, which is on, is splattered with blood. The couch, facing the TV, also has a bit of blood on it. Frowning, I turn to see what's on the couch. I yell out in shock and cover my mouth. On the couch..... lays my dad's dead body. I take a shaky breath and look down. My hands, which were just holding the knife, were now holding a pair of bloody blades. 

-----------------------------------Author's Note-----------------------------------------------------

      Bubbles: Hey guys. I've been super stressed and I have an announcement. I have decided that the scheduale has changed again. The days stay the same but now they are posted every two weeks. Sorry. Have a cupcake and keep dreaming.

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