A Suprise For Us All

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We both look at each other. I notice her looking confused. She notices me looking terrified.

"What is wrong with you bro?" She laughs and starts heading down the stairs. "Is it one of your spooky friends? The Creepypastas? Ooohhhhh....."

"No! Stop!" I run down the stairs and trip. I fall down about five and land on my face. "Oww...."

"Smooth...." She giggles and opens the door. "Hello? Oh! Hello little girl!" She squats down so she is face to face with the girl. "Where's your mommy hon?"

"I-I don't know..." The little girl mumbles. I look up and see she's wearing a pink nightgown and she's holding a raggity old teddy bear.

"Well...." Rose says, confused. "What's your name then?"


I cry out in shock and they both look at me, confused. Then everything goes black.

-----------------------------------------Time Skip----------------------------------------------------------

I wake up in a chair with a blanket wrapped around me. A cup of hot chocolate is on the table in front of me.

"I made some hot cocoa 'cause right after Sally came in it started pouring. Seems like we just saved her from being soaked." Rose smiles.

"You let her in?!?" I shout.

"Of course. I'm not a complete jerk." Rose glares at me.

"Thank you Miss Rose." Sally says, smiling slightly.

"Rose! This is a CP! A serious one!" I whisper to Rose. "She needs to get out! Now!"

"You are so pariniod! She's. Just. A . Little. Girl!" She frowns. "You've changed since you left."

"Because now I'm not completly stupid!" I yell, getting a strange look from Sally.

"I-I" Rose suddenly looks heartbroken. She suddenly stiffens up and glares at me. "I didn't know that was the way you thought of me."

"No! Yo-You weren't- I wasn't- Arghhh!" I suddenly clutch at my head and bend over, getting a splitting headache all of a sudden.

"STOP FIGHTING!!!" Sally yells from her chair. We both jump and look at her. "I can't stand it..."

Rose turns away and starts talking to Sally. I take a sip of my hot chocolate and look at my watch. It reads 6:78? What?

"Um.... Rose?" I look at Rose but she refuses to turn to me. "Rose! Something's wrong here...."

"You never will shut up about that will you?" Rose turns to me, all of a sudden. I jump back at the intensity of her words. "It's always gonna be 'Creepypastas are real' this and 'You normal people are so stupid' that! You think you're better than that just because your DAD WAS MURDERED RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES?!? BECAUSE YOU HAD TO WATCH HIM BLEED TO DEATH?! WELL, YOU AREN'T!"

Those words bring tears to my eyes. I remember that night.

---------------------------------Start Of Flashback----------------------------------------------------

A knock on the door started it all. I was, what, five maybe? I remember we were watching old movies together. Daddy got up and paused the movie.

"Who is it?" Daddy called. We ordered a pizza earlier and it had taken forever. He was a little happy that since it had taken more than thirty minutes he would get it for free. But then an hour passed. An hour and a half. Two hours. What was going on?

He unlocked the door and a man stepped in. He was supposed to be the pizza guy and not even walk in the house. But something suprised Daddy more than that he wasn't the pizza guy. He was Daddy's boss.

"Mr. L?" Daddy looked confused. I looked up from the movie that I unpaused. (Such a rascal. Unpausing the movie.) This Mr. L man was the one that was so nice to me. The one that gave me candy and toys!

"Mr. L!" I ran over and hugged him. Something didn't feel right though. I looked up and looked at his eyes. Instead of their dull green color, they were startingly blue. Icy, almost.

"M-Mr. L? I asked, confused as well. He pull a pair of scissors.

"You're fired." Mr. L says looking at Daddy. Before he can move, Mr. L shoves the scissors into Daddy's chest.

"No!" I yell and jump at Mr. L. He shoves his elbow back and I fly backwards and hit the wall. I fell my right leg and arm break from the impact. Tears fall down my face. I try to move and realise I'm paralised.

My vision becomes blurry from the tears as I watch Daddy slump to the floor and Mr. L just walk out.

------------------------------------End Of Flashback-----------------------------------------------------

I wipe my eyes and glare at Rose. She realises that she might of taken that too far.

"I'm so sorry..." Rose looks at the floor. Sally comes up behind me and hugs me. Rose grabs her arm and pulls her away. "You don't need to hang out with her. She's not cool."

----------------------------------------Author's Note-----------------------------------------------------

Bubbles: Woah..... That was.....

Meg: Something I don't want to talk about.

Sally: I had no idea that happened to you. *hugs Meg*

Meg: It's okay. *hugs back*

Jeff: This is so emotional. Make it stop!

Bubbles: Way to ruin the moment Jeff!

Jeff: My pleasure.

Bubbles: Hey readers! I realised that this book didn't have that much emotion so I decided to put a little in. Please tell me what you want more in this book in the comments. More action? More comedy? More like this? Thanks! Have a cupcake and keep dreaming!

Jeff: And do you know what you have to do to dream?

Bubbles: Don't do it. I'm warning you. I write this story. I can do something. Bad.

Jeff: GO TO SLEEP!!!

Bubbles: Don't be suprised if I make you wear a tutu next chapter.

Jeff: It was worth it.


Bubbles the Dreamer of Llamas. (GO LLAMAS!!!!)

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