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I in the story is ronil .

It was 12 june 2008 when I went with dad for an extravagant party. There I see a guy at the corner of a pillar smiling. For a moment i taught why is that guy smiling at me .I became to curious. So i went to him and said hi I'm Ronil. He smiled back and said hello I'm manik .We had a very short talk but i was very much impressed by his amicable nature.

As usual next day I and my chuddy - buddy frnd Aryamann left to school . It was the second period and the most boring the history class. Suddenly a tall guy with good physique walks through the corridor and enters our room .I couldn't see his face as it was bright sunny day. He enters with our history teacher. hey guys meet your new
fellow student who as joined us from mid-semister. He started introducing him self . Hi everyone I'm Manik i transferred to India recently from USA . Then i realised that he is the same guy from last night party . He came to me smiled and said nice to see you again .Hey Manik meet my chuddy buddy Aryamann. They smiled at each other and exchanged a hand shake .

It 13 Feb i remembered the date so well as the next day was the valentine day the lover's day. We all had a special class . I was not at all interested in class as it was science the subject I hate the most but aryamann forced me by saying bro tomorrow is valentine day why not lets have a pre-valentine party i taugth for a second that this is something which sounds good :D so we went for the class . I went fully prepared that for sure i would ask lahari the most beautiful girl of my class to be my valentine.I had always had a soft corner for her but she never showed any interest towards me . We were like opposite poles which were made to repel . There's a saying opposite poles attract is totally wrong in my case. She was very sincere and studious girl and I the cool dude type who love to flirt around.On the special class day i went to lahari and asked her would u like to come on date with me tomorrow . She was totally shocked stood up and jus slapped me tigthly and said in a very arrogant tone how times I have to say that you don't fit in my world & let me tell one thing i'm already committed and my boyfriend is umang . So for god sake stop following me... and walked away with umang.

It was the first time when a girl rejected and humilated me in front of everyone. I couldn't bear the insult. only thing was going in my mind that she cant do this to me. I almost became mad. Aryamann was not able to see me in such a bad position So he came up with a plan . He said bro enough , I can't see you in pain anymore. Now it our turn lets take a revenge .I was in such a mental state that i couldn't see the difference between what is right and what is wrong and agreed to take a revenge We decided to take revenge against umang cause of him i was humiliated so much. So we acted as if every thing was fine and perfect .One day during our sports class we brought a bottle of red ink and made umang it sit on it without his notice . When he got up there was mark as if he had periods .We all teased him umang is girl ,umang is a looser. We literally made his life hell. He was so fed up that he took such a big step by trying to kill himself . He jumped from the building top with a paper in his hand in which my name was written.

Everyone where to much shocked by this incident. The whole incident created great affliction in everyone's life especially mine . I was in depression for half a year. My parents almost lost me But my luck is good that god saved umang,my parents with their power closed the matter there itself. It was the most worst phase of my life .By one wrong step so many lives were in danger.. :'( Days passed we have finished our schooling . It was the time to leave the school. We had a beautiful farewell .

The day as arrived it was our farewell and every one was dressed so well . All were like angel's landed on the ground . First time i really felt like the day should not end . as usual Aryamann's prankie minded produced a witty prank .He spiked the party drinks . All the party members lost their senses. I was walking through the corridor i see a beautiful girl in a gown . It was slightly drizzling and her hairs were flying in the air like wings of a beautiful bird. she walked through the corridor with a beautiful smile on her face it was like a moon itself walking in our corridor. ' As she was walking towards me my heart was pumping out . she came very close me to and she asked me hey do u know where is manik she went on asking me where is Manik .i was stand still but manik comes and pats at my back and says hey ron meet my girlfriend Morisha . Manik walks off with Morisha . She turns back and gives me a smile. The beautiful dream ended here .

The party ended and time to leave .I went to search Aryamann. he was sitting at the corner of the stage full drunk . i went to him and said how can u behave like this as it was our last day instead of enjoying you are fully drunk. learn from Manik how well behaved he . Suddenly Aryamann stood up and throws the drink on my face and said i don't need your friendship anymore go die with your bestie Manik from the day he joined our school u r always like Manik this Manik that u have totally forgot that i do exist. I don't need your bloody frndship anymore. he smashed the wine bottle at ground and walked away .The most beautiful day of my life has changed into a mourning day. After that day we have never seen each other.

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