Exit God Out Book One: The Unexpected Terrestrial Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Jackson was preparing to board a plane to Denver for the first time. He and Laura saw each other frequently, driving back and forth in attempt to steal each other's hearts. Jackson was right: Laura did get the job in Boston, but was quickly transferred to Boulder where she headed a small staff on a special project she was not to speak of, not even to Jackson. Her sister Emily got the news of two major surprises from Laura: one was the job with Boston Meyer, but Emily conceded it was a good thing as Laura was now closer to the enemy. When she learned of Laura and Jackson, she found only positive in that as well, for now she could keep secrets tabs on him without the chase. Laura had conveniently packaged the "friend" and the "foe" in one step.

Jackson landed at Denver Airport, and walked along the corridors adorned with paintings. At first he didn't look at them too deeply, but after the fourth one, he stopped to study it, and what he saw, shocked him to his core. He walked back to the first painting to study the detail. An elegantly dressed woman walked up to him and began to tell of how many elite and wealthy homes border the airport, including the Queen. She looked up at him with lifeless eyes and walked away. People stared at Jackson as they passed by, wondering what was so interesting about a group of Picasso style paintings. He tried not to take too much time, as Laura was waiting and he didn't want her to think he missed the plane. He hiked his backpack on his shoulder and walked to the baggage carousel where Laura was waiting.

They always ran at each other, and Jackson would pick her up and fling her around in circles. They were like little kids, giggling and laughing while the old folks walked by smiling to themselves.

"We're heading to mom's place. You'll get to meet the whole family, so we'll eat now and drive on to Boulder for dinner. They don't bite." said Laura, noticing Jackson was edgy. They always met in Boston or Vancouver, but this was the first time everyone would be in Denver. Jackson was accustomed to large families, so it wasn't the new family that had him on edge. He spent most of his childhood on the reserve surrounded by extended family and friends. The odd time his parents would leave when his father flipped jobs, but most of the time he worked off the reserve while he and his mother stayed. Jackson was blessed to have elders that spent time teaching him their ways. He learned how to fish, hunt and thrive outdoors. It became his inspiration to create jewelry. He wanted to give back to the forest and its inhabitants that nurtured him for so long. They shared an intimate knowledge very few on the planet would come to know.

As Laura and Jackson drove out of the Denver Airport, Jackson asked about the artwork.

"I don't really know if there's a story to it," said Laura. I just figured someone made a killing painting them and had fun doing it. I don't think there's a mystery around it."

"Good choice of words," answered Jackson. "There's something odd about them. And the gargoyles along the hallways? I'm not sure what the message is, but I plan to do some digging. It's creepy. Why would a series of artists have such a similar style? Were they required to do so, or did the airport commission them because of their style?"

"You take art so seriously," said Laura.

"Only when it screams of a secret, hiding in the shapes and colors. I always question what the artist is trying to say to me. Most of us are aware of the reason we would paint dead people. Or when we add geometric diagrams and shapes; it has to have some form of meaning and communication. Inspiration comes from deep places, not a vacuum."

Laura listened intently, taking Jackson's words to heart. "Let's research it we get home," she suggested. "Now that you mention it, it does feel creepy. Personally though, I like paintings of dead people. You found me that way after all," and she smiled at Jackson and the atmosphere lifted.

When they arrived at the upscale Denver estate, the dining table was laid out in the finest of detail. Emily and Daniel joined them, and the six sat down to toast the first time the Curtis family had been together that year. The focus was on Laura. Her new job at Boston Meyer came up instantly, and Emily leaned into the conversation, but Laura was loyal to her work and didn't want to push any buttons. At the end of the meal, everyone turned to Jackson, just as he thought he would get away without speaking.

"So Jackson, do you have any shows while you're here? Any new pieces you might want to show us?" asked Mrs. Curtis.

Jackson hesitated, and decided to let it all out. "Actually I do! I have this one in particular. I've never done anything like this so bear with me as it's my first, but I think everyone will like it," and he took out a small box from his jacket pocket and kneeled on the floor next to Laura. Not a single person sitting around that table was prepared for what Jackson was about to say.

"I'm not good at intimate speaking in small groups, so bear with me." Jackson looked like a young child in a school play, red cheeked and exuberant. "Laura, we have a big world out there to explore. There are countries to see, rivers to defend, houses to build and kids to raise. And horses to ride! I can't see this vision clearly without you. I also know I would be the richest person alive if you would walk beside me through this life long journey. Marry me!"

Laura bent down and hugged Jackson, crying and nodding until their cheek color matched. Everyone at the table had tears in their eyes, and Daniel grabbed the ring that was just about to fall out of its box.

"Here Jackson, you might want to put this on the girl."

Everyone laughed and Laura soon sported a white gold ring in the shape of a hawk, with brilliant blue eyes and one wing raised up slightly. Emily commented on it being part of Laura's totem, and Laura agreed. Jackson said the raised wing had significance, but only later would she know what that was, leaving the entire table in suspense.

"Damn you Jackson, you beat me to it," said Daniel.

"What? You were going to ask Laura to marry you as well?" Jackson laughed.

The tall nappy-headed youth got down on his knees beside Emily and presented a ring and a speech that brought out the tears again.

"Why do I feel you two planned this," said Mrs. Curtis, staring at Jackson and Daniel, and with tears in her eyes she told the story of the day Mr. Curtis had done the same, sitting on a huge sturdy tree branch in the big front field of his parent's farm. She realized the two girls were not interested in big white weddings. She was content to see them elope and marry quietly. Neither were the traditional type, and she loved them for it.

"You boys must have been up all night writing those speeches," said Mr. Curtis, a quiet man who only spoke when something needed to be said.

"Actually, I pulled most of mine from movies," Daniel joked as Jackson seconded it.

The dinner lasted longer than anyone expected, but the drive to Boulder was a bit longer than the few blocks Emily and Daniel had to drive, so Laura and Jackson thanked her parents and after a few more tears, headed off early. It was just getting dark, and they passed an older Native man walking along the road. He waved to them as they drove by, and Laura looked at Jackson's face, pale and blank, as if he saw a ghost. When she looked back in the rear view mirror, the man was gone.

The next morning Jackson and Laura were quietly married in Boulder. He and Daniel had indeed planned a great deal of the arrangements, and Emily and Daniel were best man and woman until after the ceremony, when the two exchanged places, and both couples quietly disappeared into the night as husband and wife.

April K. Reeves, Author. Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved. Visit us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/April-K-Reeves/390530011143987?fref=ts or our website: https://aprilkreevesauthor.wordpress.com/

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